Sunday, May 22, 2016

Tiger Newsflash 5-22-16

Good evening! 

Today has been a great day! I cannot express to you in words how proud I am Brianna Flecknoe and Kyleigh Wood! These young ladies are two of our very own Columbia Elementary Tigers!  They took the results of their idea to Nationwide Children's Hospital today.  These young ladies wanted to simply help others in the hospital.  For this reason, we were able to collect donations and make care packages for cancer patients at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.  This project was such an amazing experience for our students to participate in as they get the opportunity to “pay forward” to others in need.  

As you may recall, each classroom was asked to send in specific gift bag items.  Once all donations had been collected and placed into bags, they were ready to be delivered to Children’s Hospital.  Our goal as a building was to collect enough items to make 100 gift bags.  The students were told that if we reach this goal of collecting enough items for 100 gift bags, then I would kiss a pig. We made good on that promise on this promise on May 18th. Everyone but "Elvis the Pig" was laughing.

Today, we had the opportunity to drop off all 100 gift bags to Nationwide Children's Hospital. As a result of these two students wanting to “pay it forward” to others, the students at Columbia Elementary are making a difference in 100 cancer patient’s lives at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. The entire staff at Columbia Elementary cannot be prouder of their best and brightest, their students. Stay tuned to NBC 4 News for this story to air soon. Our desire is to continue with this project every school year.

Please see your weekly updates below:

Tiger Up-Planning for College/Advance Training 

After High School

Parental involvement and Financial Planning

I want to thank all of the parents that attended our First Annual Financial Planning Meeting on Thursday night. We spent a 30-45 minutes going over financial planning options for parents to begin planning for their children to go to college.  Mr. Todd Hawkins from First-Knox National Bank continues to be a great asset to our school as he worked with parents to provide them with good information and answer any questions that they might have about financial planning for their children's college education.  Thank you to all that attended! 

My hope is to continue this information session each year. All of our students have the ability to go to college! I do not want money to be a barrier in allowing them to achieve this goal. There are many opportunities for our students to be eligible for scholarships and loans no matter their economic status.  I feel strongly that we need to start planning now while their in elementary school.   I will be sending some information home with our 5th Graders this week for families to have and begin this thought process.  This is not at all a sales pitch just simply information for our parents.  

Tiger Up Friday-Planning for College/Advanced Training after High School

Following our discussions in our mentor groups, we were blessed by Mount Vernon Nazarene University, Kenyon College, and COTC coming to our school and speaking with our students about college.This energetic presentation was well received by our students and added to their views about the opportunity for them to go to college after they graduate High School.  I was very impressed by how well these three institutions worked with our students!  

5th Graders Experiencing College and Advanced Training

As a part of our Tiger Up Program and an extension of our 5th Graders Capstone Project, our 5th Graders had the opportunity to visit MVNU, Knox County Career Center, and Kenyon College last Monday.  We wanted them to experience college and career technical training for a day and to understand that all of this will be available to them at some point in their lives. Words cannot properly express to Knox County Career Center, MVNU, and Kenyon College our gratitude for allowing our students to experience their campuses for a day.  Thank you!

Following this trip, the students, teachers, and I had an opportunity to debrief together.  I feel like the students have an overall positive experience on this educational trip and we will plan to do it again.  I strongly believe that it is important to have an image in your mind to go along with your goals. This image allows our goals to come to life...  As you know, our students are the brightest and they deserve the very best!

MVHS Senior Clap Out

Along the same lines of wanting our students to have an image in their minds of what they are aiming for in life, we wanted to give them the opportunity to see our MVHS Seniors in their Caps and Gowns.  We also wanted to show our MVHS Seniors how proud we are of their success! At the end of our lunch and recess on Friday, we lined up our students in our hallways and clapped our MVHS Seniors out.  These same Seniors also once attended Columbia Elementary.  It was AWESOME and rewarding from all perspectives!!! Congrats to The Class of 2016!

4th Nine Weeks Reward-Dance Parties:

Since our students achieved their 4th Nine Weeks Goals in Reading and Math, we brought a DJ in on Friday afternoon for them to celebrate their success.  We had a BLAST!!!

Ariel Foundation-Columbia Elementary 5K/ 1 Mile Run or Walk

We are really thankful for the nearly 170 people that came out Friday evening to Ariel Foundation Park to participate in our 5K and 1 mile Fun Run/Walk ! A special thank you to Ariel Foundation for our partnership and everyone else that help supported this event through either your participation or your sponsorship.  Your support provides the students at Columbia Elementary additional resources that help them improve their overall educational experiences.  

We are not done yet! 
5/23-Grades 3-5 Talent Show at 2pm -Parents of performers are welcome!
5/24-Volunteer Breakfast-8am in the Library
5/24-Field Day-AM
5/24-Water Day-PM
K-2 Awards at 9:30am-Parents you are invited:)
Grades 3-5 Awards at 10:15-Parents you are invited:)
5th Grade Graduation at 11am-Parents you are invited:)
5/25-Grade Cards Go Home.
6/16-8/4- K-5 Summer Reading and Math Program (11am to Noon-Lunch Provided)
8/16-Back to School Night from 6-7pm-Parents and Students are Invited:)

Thank you for your continued support of our students!

Tiger Up!


Friday, May 13, 2016

Tiger Newsflash 5-13-16

May 13, 2016

Good evening!

It has been an awesome week at Columbia Elementary! Our students were working hard, we got to enjoy meeting some of our upcoming Kindergartners at Kindergarten Registration, and our Fifth Graders had a fantastic experience at Heartland Camp for three days. It is hard to believe that we only have 8 school days left before our students are dismissed for summer vacation, but we still have a lot to accomplish with the Best and the Brightest. Please hang on tight and enjoy your weekly updates below:

Monday-5/16-All Fifth Graders need to be at school by 8:30am-Field Trip to MVNU, Knox County Career Center, and Kenyon College
Wednesday-5/18 at 3pm-Columbia Elementary Cares Pig Assembly
Wednesday & Thursday-5/18 & 5/19-Talent Show Tryouts for Grades 3-5 during recess 
(already signed up)
Thursday-5/19-KDG Nursery Rhyme Program at 2:30pm
Thursday Night-5/19-Very Important-Parent Meeting-Planning for your Child to go to College Meeting at 6pm in Gym
All students that have parents at The Planning for College Meeting on 5/19 will receive an ice cream bar at school the next day.

Friday-5/20-TIGER UP ASSEMBLY at 10:10am-Planning for College/Advanced Training/Career Planning
Guest Speakers: 
COTC, MVNU, and Kenyon College
(Be sure to wear a shirt to this assembly with your Alma Mater on it from where you went to college or advanced training after you graduated High School.)
Friday-Third Grade Animal Presentations
Friday-5/20-Fourth Quarter Goal Reward 
Dance Party-PM
Friday-5/20-Columbia Elementary PTO-Ariel 5K at 6pm
Monday-5/23-Talent Show at 2pm (approximately)
Tuesday-5/24-Columbia Elementary Classroom Volunteer Breakfast-8am
Tuesday-5/24-Field Day-AM
Tuesday-5/24-Water Day-PM
K-2 Awards at 9:30am
Grades 3-5 Awards at 10:15
5th Grade Graduation at 11am
5/31-American Red Cross will have Blood Mobile at Columbia Elementary for donations.

Fifth Grade Camp

We cannot thank The Ariel Foundation, The Mount Vernon Board of Education, and our Superintendent Bill Seder enough for their combined vision to ensure nearly all 300 Fifth Graders in our school district went to Heartland Camp as a part of a smooth Fifth to Sixth Grade Transition.  We are forever grateful for the financial support of The Ariel Foundation, whom supported each of these student in our school district (not just Columbia Elementary) through a grant to pay for part of their camp at a rate of $100 per student. 

During this outdoor education experience, our students learned about and interacted with the ecosystem in a near by stream, animals from around the world, "mad science" experiments, zip lining, survival skills (i.e. building shelters), archery, and more knowledge and skills.  All of this learning took place while interacting and creating new friendships with students from 5 other elementary schools.  Connections and professional relationships were also established between our students and camp counselors that included: Heartland Camp Officials, Our  MVCSD  Elementary and Middle School Teachers, MVCSD High School Students, Mr. Bill Seder (Superintendent),Mr Gary Hankins (MS Principal), and their Elementary Principals.  

I was very impressed by this entire experience for our students.  I really enjoyed getting to know each of them better and seeing each of them succeed in a totally different environment.  

Dr. Dill's Weekly Hall of Fame:

Second Grade Reading

Brianna Flecknoe
Zane Barber
Summer Hall
Jonathan Kreager
Philip Crunelle
Lane Mussard
Luke Mullins
Tyce Davidson
Taylor Tolle
Madeline Pealer
Layla Deshong
Jaden Wheeler

Second Grade Math

Wyatt Clendenen
Tyler Tucker
Arieanna Kovach
Dallas Cross
Zane Barber
Lane Mussard
Jonathan Kreager
Josiah Colon
Taylor Tolle
Madeline Pealer
Tyce Davidson
Seth Vance
Emily Phillips
Layla Deshong
Jaden Wheeler
Marques Ramos

Third Grade Reading

 Jared Boucher
Arianne Scott
Sarah Hammond
Landon Hammons
Emily Wilcox
Tyler Ing
Aric Lust
Jada Coey

Third Grade Math

Aric Lust
Tyler Ing
Katlynn Butler
Arianne Scott
Grace Jackson

Fourth Grade Reading

Aric Lust
Tyler Ing
Katlynn Butler
Arianne Scott
Grace Jackson

Fourth Grade Math

Alexis Cook
Patrick Frazer
Rachel Ruth
Karley Davis
Rhiley Grizzle

Fifth Grade Reading
Mia Armstrong
Hanna Humphrey
Layla Behnke
Cooper Carpenter
Ri Miller
Mark Fanning
Jake Fanning
Zoe Mock
Abby Justice
Dominic Fuscaldo
Desiree Temple
Elizabeth Miller
Emily Hammond
Annie Watkins

Fifth Grade Math

Xavier Arndt
Desiree Temple
Patrick O'Byrne
Cooper Carpenter
Marianne Watkins
Hailey Stagg
Dominic Fuscaldo
Benjamin Bridges
Ri Miller
Hanna Humphrey
Zoey Kennedy
Mark Fanning
Zoe Mock
Elizabeth Miller
Emily Hammond
Devyn Smith

We need your input (Please take up to 5 minutes and fill this survey out for us.):

Second Annual Ariel Foundation Park Columbia Elementary 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run or Walk


May 20, 2016

1 Mile Walk/Run at 6:30pm
5K Walk/Run at 7pm

Ariel-Foundation Park
27 Madison Avenue
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050

Pre-Registration 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk:
Adults (18 and over)-$25
Child (Under 18)-$20

Race Day Registration:


Columbia Elementary PTO Pig Raffle

Columbia Elementary will be raffling off  the meat of one whole pig to 2 winners.  Students will be selling raffle tickets for $1 each. Each students will be sent home with 15 tickets to sell.  If they should need more, feel free to contact the school office for more tickets.  All money and/or tickets should be returned to the school by Friday May 20th.  Not one, but two winners will be selected at random.  Both winners will be notified by phone and will be given information on a pick up date and time for their meat.  

Thank you for your continued support of our students!

Tiger Up!

Reminder: Enjoy Tweeting

Tweet out your "proud parent moments" of your child to #TIGERUP  (type right after your tweet)

We want to share this joy with you!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Tiger Newsflash 5-6-16

Good afternoon!

We are very proud of the continued hard work and dedication of our very best and brightest! It is very important that these students continue to maintain their focus and show their true academic potential. While we are going to have various fun activities throughout this last month, we will be continuing the learning process.  Let's continue to work together to end the 2015-16 School Year on a positive and strong note.

Please see your weekly updates below:

State Testing is Over for 2015-16:)

We are very proud of the best and the brightest as they have completed their Super Bowl, State Testing.  Be sure to love on them a little more this weekend.  They definitely deserve it!

Just an FYI-For Third Grade Parents:

As you know, it is state law that all Third Graders pass The Ohio Third Grade Reading Test before being promoted to the Fourth Grade.  For those students that did not pass it in the Fall, we are going to be administering a State Approved Alternative Test, The Terra Nova, in the upcoming week.  This test will be given to these students as a "safety net" test because we will not receive the most recent State Tests scores until June 15th.  If these students pass this alternative test, they will be eligible for the Fourth Grade based on The Ohio Third Grade Reading Guarantee.  Once these Terra Nova Tests are scored, we will be sending an official letter with the score and the student's status out to those students' specific parents.

Kindergarten Registration-May 13th

If you or know someone that would like to become a New Columbia Tiger in Kindergarten for the 2016-17 School Year, be sure to have them fill out the follow Kindergarten Registration Form: 

Open Enrollment-Due May 15th
If you or someone you know would like to attend Columbia Elementary next school year and live outside of our district residence area, be sure to fill out Open Enrollment Application.  The deadline for this application is May 15, 2016.  CLICK HERE for the application

We need your input (Please take up to 5 minutes and fill this survey out for us.):

Second Annual Ariel Foundation Park Columbia Elementary 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run or Walk


May 20, 2016

1 Mile Walk/Run at 6:30pm
5K Walk/Run at 7pm

Ariel-Foundation Park
27 Madison Avenue
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050

Pre-Registration 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk:
Adults (18 and over)-$25
Child (Under 18)-$20

Race Day Registration:

Reminder: Columbia Elementary Cares Project Continues

As you are well aware, we are in the process of giving gift bags to cancer patients at Nationwide Children's Hospital as a part of a community service project that our students created. If our students achieve their goal of making 100 gift bags with the their donated items, I promised to be kissing a nice clean:) pig:) Below is a list of new items that we are asking each grade level:

Kindergarten: crayons and markers,
First Grade: coloring books and mini stuffed animals
Second Grade: colored pencils and chapsticks
Third Grade: bubbles and various lotions
Fourth Grade: various kids’ magazines and kids’ stickers
Fifth Grade: watercolor paints and paper

Due by May 13, 2016



5/9-5/11-Districtwide 5th Grade Camp at Heartland Camp
5/11-2hr Delay for Professional Development
5/13-KDG Registration at Columbia
5/13-5th Grade-HS Band and Choir Concert at MVHS at 1pm
5/19-KDG Nursery Rhyme Program at 2:30pm
5/19-Parent College Planning Meeting at 6pm in Gym

All students that have parents at The Planning for College Meeting on 5/19 will receive an ice cream bar at school the next day.

5/20-TIGER UP ASSEMBLY at 10:10am-Planning for College/Advanced Training/Career Planning
(Be sure to wear a shirt to this assembly with your Alma Mater on it from where you went to college or advanced training after you graduated High School.)

5/20-Columbia Elementary PTO-Ariel 5K at 6pm
5/24-Columbia Elementary Classroom Volunteer Breakfast-8am
5/24-Field Day-AM
5/24-Water Day-PM
K-2 Awards at 9:30am
Grades 3-5 Awards at 10:15
5th Grade Graduation at 11am


Starting on 5/9/16-Columbia Elementary PTO Pig Raffle

Columbia Elementary will be raffling off  the meat of one whole pig to 2 winners.  Students will be selling raffle tickets for $1 each.  Each students will be sent home with 15 tickets to sell.  If they should need more, feel free to contact the school office for more tickets.  All money and/or tickets should be returned to the school by Friday May 20th.  Not one, but two winners will be selected at random.  Both winners will be notified by phone and will be given information on a pick up date and time for their meat.  

A Special Thank You to All of the Following Partnerships!

We are very grateful for all of the following organizations to help us serve our students:

-Subway (South Main Street) 
-Southside Dining
-McDonald' (South Main Street)
-South Vernon Methodist Church
-Faith Baptist Church
-Aerial Foundation
-Lannings Market
-Mount Vernon Fire Department
-Dedicated Parents
-OSU Extension Office
-First Knox Bank,Mount Vernon, Ohio
-Whitehall Police Department
-Knox County Sheriff Department
-Kenyon College
-Mount Vernon Nazarene University
-Countless heartfelt parents and community members!
-Wendy's (South Main Street)
-Many Other Unlisted Partnerships!

Thank you for your continued support!

Tiger Up!! 

Reminder: Enjoy Tweeting

Tweet out your "proud parent moments" of your child to #TIGERUP  (type right after your tweet)

We want to share this joy with you!