Tuesday, September 2, 2014

It is very simple...Great Students make a Great Elementary School!

September 2, 2014

Good morning!

We are very blessed to be back with our students after an enjoyable Labor Day weekend with our family and friends!  The first two weeks of school have been spectacular here at Columbia Elementary! We have really enjoyed watching our students in action in our classrooms as they are continuing their learning process.  It truly amazes me how much our little ones can grow over one summer....

As we work towards excellence, I want to make sure that everyone is on the same page.  Please allow me to take a moment in this week's blog to make sure that everyone is caught up on all of the beginning of year information for this school year.  I do realize that not everyone was able to attend our Back to School Night on August 18th.  If you were unable to attend please CLICK HERE for the Presentation that I reviewed with all parents in attendance.  Even if you were in attendance, it would be a good idea to review our 2014-15 Student Handbook there have been improvements made to this handbook since last school year.  CLICK HERE to review this Student Handbook. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

In order to protect our most valuable assets, our students, it is very important that everyone checks in the office during school hours.  All visitors to the building must check in and sign in before going to our classrooms.  Please understand that it creates both an unsafe and disruptive educational environment when people bypass the office and go to the classrooms directly. As all employees need to wear our name badges at all times.  We are requiring that all visitors wear a name badge at all times.  We truly appreciate everyone's help in keeping our great school safe!.

Speaking of keeping our students safe, our Kindergartners participated in a Fire Safety Assembly last Friday.  We are very appreciative of Chief Chad Christopher, The Mount Vernon Fire Department, and Firefighter Trent Kaufman (Upper Arlington Fire Department) for all of their great work with our students.  We could not have done this without these gentlemen.  Please see some great pictures below from that assembly:


Please help us keep our students safe by checking your Fire Alarm Batteries, make sure your family has a meeting place in case there is a fire at your home, and review the importance of once everyone is out of the home they need to stay out.  

Just a few reminders:  When you are posting pictures or information about Columbia Elementary on Facebook or Twitter be sure to use our Hashtag of #MVCOLUMBIATIGERS.  I would like to challenge everyone to post at least one positive success per week using this hashtag about at least one student success (Please do not use full student names for security purposes).  We are going to have our Annual Team (Columbia Elementary Schoolwide Picture) this Friday, September 5th.  If it rains this Friday, we will reschedule this picture for another day. Please be sure that all students wear their Black and Orange Colors proudly for this great picture!    

Please feel free to check out today's morning announcements:

Thank you for allowing us to serve your children, our students!

Go Tigers!

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