Monday, October 13, 2014

Mount Vernon, A fantastic community with fantastic students...

Good evening!

While we are continually blessed by the great students that we have at Columbia Elementary, we are also very appreciative of the outstanding community that we serve.  This weekend was no exception as The Ariel Corporation, Habitat for Humanity, Local Community Members, Local Businesses, Mount Vernon City School District Staff, and Students joined forces to improve Columbus Road.  I cannot elaborate enough how impressed I was with the organization, attention to detail, hearts filled with passion, and the strong work ethic that all of these individuals showed for our community.  This great generosity continued on Sunday, as we had approximately 30 individuals at Columbia Elementary volunteering their time to improve the looks of our building.  While we house the best and the brightest students everyday, we now have a building that also looks very impressive due to these individuals' efforts.  I cannot describe in words, how grateful all of us are at Columbia Elementary! Please be sure to drive by and see the landscaping improvements that were done out front and the painting of the primary playground that took place.  Thank you!

Today, our teachers took time to collaborate with their colleagues, publish their instructional skills, and learn new techniques to reach our students.  These conversations revolved around MAP Testing for our students in KDG through Third Grade, Student Growth Data (Value Added Data that is tied to State Testing), and Google Applications for Education that would be able to benefit all of our students. While we missed our students today and over the weekend, today was a great professional development day that will benefit our students in the future.

Just a few reminders for your reference: 

1)Natures Classrooom-Our Fifth Graders will be going to an Outdoor Education Program this Wednesday through Friday at Natures Classroom.  This experience will benefit our students outside of the walls of our classrooms and is worthwhile.  Our outdoor education program is tie to our Ohio and Common Core Academic Learning Standards and Personal Growth Skills for our students.    

2) End of the 9 weeks-The end of the 9 weeks is this coming Friday (10/17/14). Our students need to make sure they are having a strong finish and making sure that all of their homework is turned in.

3) Awards Assembly-Next Friday, 10/24/14, we will be having our first 9 weeks Awards Assembly.  The awards assembly will be at 9:15-10am for KDG-2nd and 10-10:45am for Grades 3-5-Parents are invited and encouraged to Attend

4)No School on 10/20-A.L.I.C.E. TRAINING For Staff-In August of this school year, MVCSD staff began training in ALICE procedures in partnership with our local public safety agencies.   A.L.I.C.E  stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate. MVCSD continues to prepare its' staff for the next phase of ALICE, which includes preparing students to use these procedures in case of an emergency within our buildings.  Over the next few weeks, MVCSD will begin practicing ALICE scenarios with our students.  These scenarios will teach our students to be proactive in the event that there would be an active shooter in our buildings and/or on our campus. By law, we are require to conduct at least one official safety drill by December 1st of each year. Please be expecting that this required safety drill will be an ongoing practice throughout the school year. Our top priority is the safety of our students and staff.   

5) Student Handbook-I received a few questions about how to get a copy of the Student Handbook.  Please see this link below to read our Student Handbook.  


You may also request a hardcopy in our office at anytime.  

I hope this information is helpful!!

Go Tigers!

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