Thursday, November 13, 2014

Our students continue to shine!


Good evening!

It is great to be in a fantastic community with The Best and The Brightest Children!  We have had a great week and half here at Columbia Elementary!  I am so proud of our students!  Last week, our students were given the opportunity to perform in front of our community at our Senior Citizen Luncheon at MVHS.  It is really tough for anyone to perform in front of a crowd of strangers.  Our fourth and fifth graders not only did it, but they did it very well!  These same students performed just as well in front of a gym full of parents from Columbia Elementary for our Veterans' Day Assembly. These students did very well and they are simply awesome students!

As you are well aware the State of Ohio has mandated a new evaluation system for public educators. This process formally began two years ago.  As a part of my annual duties, I have been involved in this process over the last few months.  Over the last few months, I have been working with our teachers on goal setting and talking specifically about classroom instruction and student growth. These discussions and classroom observations have been very impressive.  I cannot tell you how blessed I am to be working with a great bunch of teachers.  These teachers continually work on different angles of instruction and brainstorm ideas that work best for all of our students. We not only have the best and the brightest students, but we also have great teachers!  Aside from this formal evaluation process, it is a practice of mine to be in the classrooms as much as possible.  It is my personal goal to make it in the classrooms once a day to better understand what our students are learning.  I am impressed daily by both our students and instructional team!
On Monday, November 10th, our PTO sponsored our "Donuts with Parents" get together just before our Veterans' Day Assembly.  We are so thankful that we served nearly 300 donuts and enjoyed the fellowship of our students and community!  We truly appreciated everyone that came out for this event.  I believe it is very important that we get the opportunity to get together like this and share the joy of our students.

The South Vernon Methodist Church in conjunction with many other individuals donated approximately 140 coats for students, parents, and families that needed coats for the winter season.  This is very generous of everyone to serve our community!  Thank you to all that were involved! We are very thankful to a partner with you in serving our community!

On Wednesday night and all day Thursday, we had the great opportunity to engage in specific discussions about our students with their parents.  It was great to see the number of parents that took the time to come and be a part of these discussions.  Just by your attendance, it shows us how much you care about the educational success of your child, our student.  Educating students is truly a partnership between our school and your family.  We need to make sure we are on the same page and continuing to support each other. The educational process cannot just occur between 9am-3:30pm.  Education is a process that takes many individuals working together and focusing on each student's success!  

A few things that you need to be aware of for the upcoming weeks:

1)Morning Announcements for next week: CLICK HERE   (You will need to play the presentation the play each page of the slides presentation)

2) Interim Reports-Go out on 11/25/14
3) Thanksgiving Break-11/26/14 to 11/30/14
3) Secret Santa-12/1-12/5/14 (during the students' Music and PE Classes)

Thank you for all you do for our students!

Go Tigers!


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