Monday, December 22, 2014

Columbia Tigers, Important Information, The Ohio State Buckeyes, and Christmas Joy...Oh my...

December 22,2014

I hope everyone is excited about the upcoming Christmas and New Year's Day Holidays.  While we all get excited about the gift giving and receiving, we quickly find out that this time of year is not about physical gifts at all, but all of the great things in our lives that get us through each and everyday.  This notion was brought to life to me again as our Fire Department and I were at a home on Saturday night that had caught on fire during the early morning hours, and we looked over and saw a Christmas Tree in the corner of the family's living room.  It is not about the gifts at all but the intangible things that get us through each day...

On this note, I want to say how proud I am of our students beyond their academic abilities.  Our students, staff,  The Faith Baptist Church, South Vernon Methodist Church, and The Salvation Army adopted several families from our community for this Christmas Season.  Just the excitement of bringing joy into other people's lives brought a sense of goodwill to all of these individuals.  Another step was taken by our Fourth Grade Students, as they were collecting food for the hungry: The Fourth Grade Students won a pizza party by Domino's Pizza for their collection of food for people that are in need.  As our students won this pizza party, they decided to give this pizza back to folks in our community that needed the food. We have great students with big hearts!! They not only bring joy into our lives each day, but now our students are bringing joy to others outside of the walls of Columbia Elementary. We have great students!

I want to take a moment and update you on a few upcoming events:

Google Documents and Applications Training for Parents-Starting on January 5th at 6pm, we are inviting our Parent Teacher Organization in for Google Training one hour before the PTO Meeting (first Monday of the each month).  Our training will run from 6-7pm with the PTO Meeting beginning at 7pm in the library.  The purpose of this training to have parents become familiar with the technology that our students are using in their classrooms.   Before parents come to this training they need to sign up for a Google Account at Feel free to attend, laptops will be provided for the training.  

Students return from Holiday Break: January 5th

End of the 2nd 9 weeks-January 9th

No School-January 12th and 19th

Grade Cards Sent Home-January 16th

On a personal note, I want to thank you for the overwhelming amount of love and support that all of our students, community, and staff have shown my wife, Ashley, and I over the last few weeks.  While life has been very busy and exciting for awhile, we are so very thankful for all of the love and support that you have shown us during these very exciting times as we entered into our marriage. No words can express to you our true appreciation.  

Merry Christmas to you and your family!!




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