Sunday, October 11, 2015

Weekly Blog 10-11-15


Good evening!

This past week has been an outstanding week with our best and brightest! As you can see from the picture below, they like to work hard:

Below you will see several topics to keep you informed about our great school:

PTO Update from 10/5:
I want to say that I am especially proud of our PTO! On Monday night, we had a great PTO Meeting and all of these parents started to become Google Goorus as they began using Google Docs for their meetings. Please CLICK HERE to see our 10/5/15 PTO AGENDA AND MINUTES. Please feel free to join us on November 2nd at 6pm for more great discussions. Great job PTO!!

Late Start Update from 10/7:

We also had the opportunity on Wednesday morning to work closely with our teachers to continue to develop a better understanding of the Journeys' English Language Arts Curricular Program that our Board of Education adopted this year. During this in-service time, we worked directly with the company to see specific instruction demonstrations, get questions answered, and see how specific technologies can work to better serve our students. As with any adoption, there is always a great deal of time invested on the front end to make sure the program is doing what we want it to do for our students. While there will always be a continual upkeep and improvement process of how these instructional methods serve our students

Overall we are very satisfied with the student results we are seeing with this new program and we especially enjoy the way it integrates Social Studies into the curriculum It is vital that our teachers get the support and professional development needed to better serve our students. If we do not support their professional learning needs, it will directly impact the instructional needs of our students. For this reason, we are very grateful our community supports our monthly two hour in-services. We were especially proud of their hard work and dedication to learn more for our students

Attendance Concerns:

Please know that I am noticing a large number of students begin to start adapting poor attendance practices at school.  These concerns include tardiness (after 9am), early dismissals (before 3:30pm), and full day absences.  I want to remind everyone of the following procedures:

  1. A student will be considered habitually truant if the student is absent/tardy without a legitimate excuse for 5 or more consecutive school days, for 7 or more days in 1 month, or 12 or more school days in 1 school year.  Furthermore, a student will be considered chronically truant if the student is absent/tardy without a legitimate excuse for 7 or more consecutive school days, for 10 or more school days in 1 month, or 15 or more school days in 1 school year. Any student that is considered to be either habitually or chronically truant will be referred to The Knox County Juvenile Court System for Truancy.
  2. According to the Knox County Court System any of the following consequences can occur for Truancy Issues:
    1. Court Appointed Diversion Officer Involvement
    2. The School can file for Educational Neglect of the Parent/Legal Guardian
    3. Contempt Charges will be filed for not following a Court Order.  This may lead to jail time for parent/legal guardian.  

**It is also important to remember that beyond 10 absences/tardies we require a medical excuse to be turn in to our school office.

While we understand how children get sick and family events come up, we want to make sure that a child's absence from school does not create a negative impact on the child's learning. If your child is not is class for large amount of time, it is difficult for him/her to succeed. It is important to note that multiple tardies and early dismissals from school can also create negative consequences on the child's academic performance.

COSI ON WHEELS Coming to Columbia Elementary Soon-10/13/15
In the next couple of days, the great outdoors comes inside at Columbia Elementary when COSI (Center of Science and Industry) brings its traveling program “Exploring Ecology” to Columbia on Tuesday, October 13, 2015. This innovative, interactive program will stimulate the imaginations of the next generation of scientists. Exploring Ecology is just one of six traveling science outreach programs from COSI- on of the Nation’s leading science centers. The day begins with a 45-minute interactive assembly introducing the students to ecology, habitats, ecosystems, and adaptations. This fun, educational assembly is followed by hands-on activities during which the students will investigate an ecosystem, examine tree rings and explore animal adaptations. This COSI On Wheels program aligns with the Ohio Academic Content Standards and compliments the National Science Education Standards to deliver an amazing science learning experience directly to the school. COSI is a hands-on science center located in Columbus, Ohio. Each year more than 300,000 students take part in COSI On Wheels programs, and in the past 30 years, COSI On Wheels has brought hands-on science into the lives of over 7.5 million students across the Midwest. This program is made possible through the generous support of our PTO.

Donuts with Parents and Veteran's Day Assembly-11/9/15:

Get ready because this year our Veteran’s Day Program will be held on Monday, November 9th at 9:30am in our gymnasium.   We are both honored and excited to present this program once again to you.  As a part of this program, we will be putting together another video in honor of our Veterans and the men and women of our Columbia Elementary families who have served or are serving in an armed force and/or a public safety official.  We must not forget that these people are the true reason why we can enjoy our freedom.  

If you have a member of your family that you would like to include in the video, please submit a photo by October 30th.  Please know that anything submitted after this date will not be included in our video.   If you are able to, please scan the photo and send the photo electronically in .jpg or .png form to Mrs. Miller at:  If you do not have a photo in an electronic form, you can send a photo to school and Mrs. Miller can scan it.   If you send it to school, we will scan the original and return the original to you.   

In addition to the assembly, you are invited to our donuts with parents event before school begins that is sponsored by our PTO.  Please come and enjoy a donut with your child and stay to watch a great assembly!  The donuts will be available from 8:25am - 8:55am.



IMPORTANT Upcoming Dates:

10/9-Yes Concert for 4th Grade at 10am
10/15-Districtwide Gifted Seminar for Grades 3-5
10/16-End of 1st Nine Weeks
10/16-Tiger Up Time-Goal Setting and Good Decision Making
*Parents please come by 10:10am for our Assembly
10/19-Teacher Inservice Day (½ Day) and Teacher Workday (½ day)
10/20-Start of 2nd 9wks
10/23-Grade Cards go home with all students
10/29-Vision and Hearing Screenings for Grades 1, 3, and 5 in the library
10/29-Trick or Read from 6 to 7pm
10/30-Halloween Classroom Parties at 2:30pm
11/4-P/T Conferences 5-8pm (by appointment)
11/5-P/T Conferences 10am-8pm (by appointment)
11/9-Donuts with Parents at 8:30am
11/9-Veterans Day Assembly-9:30am
11/13-Make up Picture Day
11/20-Tiger Up Time Assembly at 10:10am
11/25-11/29-Thanksgiving Break

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