Good morning!
It has been a wonderful week with your children! We are truly blessed to have them back in our classrooms. From our new Kindergarten students, that are going into their third day of elementary school, to our Fifth Grade Students, that are concluding their elementary school experience during this last year at Columbia Elementary School, it is a pleasure to see all of them. It is going to be a fantastic school year!
Below you will find your weekly updates:
1) Some of my favorite pictures of the week:
2) Back to School Celebration: I want to thank everyone that attended our Back to School Celebration on Tuesday night. It was great to see all of you with your children. I really enjoyed our conversations together. Please click on the link below if you were not able to attend for some reason. I have linked my presentation below for your viewing:
CLICK HERE FOR MATT'S Parent Presentation
3) Have you completed your Parent Portal Required Paperwork Yet? If Not: You should have already received information regarding our New Parent Process for all of the Required Beginning of The School Year Paperwork. With this information, we have now improved this entire process for you. We have several reports from parents stating this process is simple and takes a maximum of 5-10 minutes to complete. All parents will now go through our school district website at www.mvcsd.us. Instructions and information can be found on the OneView Parent Portal letter that was sent to your home and appears by CLICKING ON THIS LINK. If you do not have your student/s’ Student ID Number/Access Code that we sent to you in the mail, feel free to call Mrs.Darcy Miller, Building Secretary, to obtain it at 1-740-393-5975. If you do not have internet access, please also feel free to contact us and we will set up an appointment for you to come in and use our internet to complete your required paperwork.
4) Tiger Up 2016-17: As a part of our Tiger Up Character and Leadership Program this year, I am meeting with all students tomorrow morning (August 22nd) from 9:15-10am to discuss What does it means to "Tiger Up?" We will be speaking about several topics like: staying focused on their goals, working hard, having strong character and leadership skills, having fun, and remembering that they are "The Best and The Brightest." Parents are more than welcome to attend this assembly at 9:15am in our gym. If student have their Tiger Up Shirts from last year, they need to wear them tomorrow.
If they do not have their Tiger Up Shirts: CLICK HERE
FYI, I will always invite you to these monthly assemblies to give you an opportunity to reinforce specific topics outside of our school day. I want us to work together as a team to improve the character and leadership skills of our students, which will in turn improve our community.
5) Important Upcoming Dates:
8/26-KDG Fire Prevention Assembly with Matt (Jefferson Township Bellville Fire Fighter& EMT-B, Trent Kauffman (Retired Upper Arlington Firefighter), and Mount Vernon Fire Department.
8/29-PTO Meeting in our library at 6pm
9/2-Students of the Month Pizza Lunch in my office.
9/5-Labor Day-No School
9/8-Second Grade YES Concert (during the school day)
9/9-Fall School Pictures
9/12-PTO Meeting in our library at 6pm
9/14-5th Grade YES Concert (during the school day)
9/16-Columbia Schoolwide Annual Team Picture (Wear Your Tiger Up Shirts)
9/16-Interim Reports Go Home with All Students
6) Follow Us On Twitter:
Thank you for allowing us to serve your children!
Tiger Up!
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