Good evening!
We had a great week last week with your children! In addition to seeing them come in each morning, I love spending time with them in their classrooms. I make it a daily goal of mine to see them in action at some point during their day learning in our classrooms. From learning their sounds in Kindergarten to learning through some project based learning project in other classrooms, it is truly a join to see them learn.
Last week, I saw a couple of our First Graders just surprise me with their ability to read a book. This specific experience showed me the value of both strong parent structures working together with our school to ensure that their children are able to read well. Words cannot even describe how great it is to see this learning process happen! Great job to both the parents and teachers involved! Educating children is truly a team effort!
I would like to share a few weekly updates with you:
Tiger Up Shirt Fridays:
In addition to our "Tiger Up Time" on the Third Wednesday of each month (expect March's is March 8th), I would like to see our students wear their Tiger Up shirts every Friday. I will be supporting mine and I would like our entire student body wearing their shirts too. It always puts a smile on my face seeing them in these shirts. Of course in addition to the normal smile that they bring me on a daily basis:)
Favorite Pictures of The Week:
As we continue to aim high for excellence....
MTV Arts-Alice and Wonderland:
On Friday, during the Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades lunch period, I got to hear all about how much our students really enjoyed The MTV Arts Program on Friday. They really enjoyed seeing our MV Students involved in this production. I haven't seen our students smile that much in a while. Thank you to all parties that were involved in allowing our students this opportunity! Specifically a special thanks to our Gifted Education Director, Mr. Don Garvic. He organized a majority of these arrangements for our kidos.
Improvement of Educational Services:
Last week, in addition to continuously evaluating services for all students, I spent a great deal of time focusing in on both our Gifted Education and Special Education Services for our students. Working with others in our district, we are continuing to polish these services for both of these populations of students. Specifically, one effort I was involved in was through a State Support Team Training on "Least Restrictive Environments" for our Special Education Students. Several of us from both district and building levels learned how important it is to provide students with the fewest constraints/barriers to a general education setting while still providing support for the educational needs. It is important that we provide only appropriate accommodations, modifications, and support services to these students. I believe it is always important to continuously monitor and refine what we are doing for our students to make sure we are providing the best to our best and the brightest.
Rescheduled -10/7-Columbia Elementary Annual Team Picture.
As a result of the modified lockdown, we decided to reschedule the outdoor pictures that we had planned to take of our school and classrooms. This means that we will be taking these pictures on Friday 10/7. This means that we will need you to remind your children wear their Tiger Up Shirts on Friday, 10/7. If your child has outgrown their shirt and you would like to donate it for another child to use, please give it to Mrs. Miller or myself.
Important Upcoming Dates:
9/30-Game Truck Reward for Students that Passed all parts of their 15-16 State Tests
(FYI-Bus transportation from MS Dismissal to Columbia is being provided for 6th Graders getting reward)
10/4-PTO Meeting at 6pm
10/6-Yes Concert-Grade 4-10am
10/7-Money Machine Reward for Mumkin Sale-During Lunch (we’ll run this after the students are done eating then dismiss them for recess).
10/7-Columbia Elementary All School Picture-3pm (class pictures will begin at 2pm)-Wear your Tiger Up Shirts!!
10/7-Student of the Month Lunch Pizza Party
10/13-Yes Concert-Grade 1 at 10am
10/14-COSI On Wheels for our students-Thank you PTO!!
10/14-End of First 9wks
10/17-Teacher Workday-No Students
10/17-Columbia Elementary Presenting at BOE Meeting at 6pm-You are welcome to join us!
10/18-Second 9wks Begins
10/21-Grade Cards Go Home
10/25-Trick or Read from 6-7pm
2016-2017 District Calendar(CLICK ON LINK)
State Testing Dates 2016-17 (CLICK ON LINK)
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Thank you for allowing us to serve your children!
Tiger Up!
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