Sunday, February 19, 2017

Tiger Newsflash 2-20-17

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Good morning!

Happy Presidents Day! I hope everyone is enjoying this long weekend with your family and friends.This past week was a busy and productive one with our students and instructional team.  We continue to be impressed by the work of our students and blessed by the support of our community.   

Please enjoy your weekly updates below:

Thank You MVCSD Community for Your Support at Chipotle!

This past Wednesday, we celebrated National Columbia Elementary Day at Chipotle to raise additional funds to renovate our playground and to build an Outdoor Learning Pavilion.  With your support, we were able to raise $747.Thank you for your support!!  

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Thank You to Prescription Turf Care and Escape Zone!

I want to take a moment and thank to local businesses for their support of Columbia Elementary: Prescription Turf Care and Escape Zone for the following reasons:

Prescription Turf Care:  We truly appreciated John Schillinger and his crew from Prescription Turf Care stopping by this past Monday morning.  They took the time to improve the appearance of our flower beds in front of our building.  John's advice on how to make specific improvements for the future. Prescription Turf Care's knowledge and skill level is very much appreciated.  

Escape Zone: We truly appreciated the $500 donation that was made this week to our school for our Playground and Outdoor Learning Pavilion Project. Escape Zone also donated several playground balls for our students to use. With this support and the support of others, we are looking forward to achieving our goal of improving our facilities for our students and community. 

Student Headphones Needed:

Please make sure your child has TWO PAIRS of headphones for classroom use.  We are finding ourselves falling short of ensuring all students have headphones for school use. These headphones are important for when students are working on individualized projects and/or tasks on a computer.

Columbia Champions Webpage:

We are in the process of creating a Columbia Champions Webpage linked to our school website.  Our desire is to highlight the accomplishments of our current/alumni Columbia Elementary Students in and outside of school.  If you have a great picture and story of a success of your current/alumni Columbia Elementary Student, we want to hear it.  Alumni Columbia Elementary Students' success stories could include both the professional and collegiate levels. Please submit this story to Mrs. Darcy Miller or in person in our main office.


This past Wednesday afternoon, we had an awesome Tiger Up Time with our students!  We had the opportunity to meet in our mentor groups to discuss how our students are able to be more responsible in their lives at school, at home, and in our community.  These conversations were very productive.
Following our meeting in our mentor groups, the MVMS Eighth Grade Student Council Members met with our students to talk more about the importance of responsibility. They also gave our students a preview of life at the Middle School. We truly appreciated these MS Students and Mrs. Beach to volunteer their time to better help us support our students! Improving the responsibility skills of our students is vital to improving our community. Thank you to everyone involved!  

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Columbia Cares-Tabs Needed

You may remember a project we started last year called “Columbia Elementary Cares.”  This project was inspired by two of our own Columbia Elementary Tigers, who simply wanted to help other kids.  Last year, we collected donations and made care packages for cancer patients at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.  This project is such an amazing experience for our students to participate in as they get the opportunity to “pay it forward” to others in need.  Our desire is to continue with this project every school year.  

This year, we’d like to keep “paying it forward” to others. Instead of asking for donations of money or other items, we’re asking you to save pop tabs. The Ronald McDonald house in Columbus, Ohio collects pop tabs. Each year, they recycle the tabs and get to keep the money. You may not think a pop tab adds up to much, but they depend on these tabs. We have the potential of collecting enough tabs to make a lot of money to help support these families during their challenging times!

You may be wondering, what is the Ronald McDonald House? It is affiliated with Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Any family who has a child staying at the hospital, lives far away, and needs a place to stay can register with the Ronald McDonald house. They provide a free stay, some meals, and a bit of stability during challenging times. The House is able to provide these things through donations and volunteers. That’s why they need our help!

To help out the Ronald McDonald House and all of the families who stay there, Columbia Elementary is going to collect as many pop tabs as we possibly can! Thanks to the new convenient way of life, there are tabs on more than just pop cans. You can also collect the tabs from soup cans, vegetable cans, pet food cans, etc. Any aluminum can tab will work. Please ask your friends, neighbors, and family members to join us in collecting these tabs.

As an incentive, we are going to make this a friendly competition. The class who brings in the most tabs will win a root beer float party! As you bring in your tabs, mark how many tabs you brought in. This will make it easier to count the tabs later. We would like to get a count of the total number of tabs we give to the Ronald McDonald House.

You may start sending in your tabs immediately.  Or you may continue to collect them until you have a larger amount. We will be collecting tabs until May 12th. This should give us plenty of time to collect as many tabs as possible!

Thank you in advance for your help in making this a truly amazing experience and touching the lives of families who certainly could use a little encouragement in their lives right now!    

Do you have an old Smart Phone or know someone that has an old Smart Phone that they would be able donate to our school?

I am currently looking for Old Smart Phones that people would be willing to donate to our school for permanent use. These phone would be completely reset to factory settings for classroom instruction.  If you have any connections to old Smart Phones that are just in storage somewhere that you or other folks do not want, please let me know and bring them in to our office.  My end goal is to bring virtual reality to our students to all them to see the world and even inside of the human body for instructional purposes.


As the Super Bowl was last weekend, our students also have their Super Bowl on the following dates:

English Language ArtsMathScienceSocial Studies
3rd Grade3/28-3/29
(Must pass to be promoted to 4th Grade)
4th Grade3/23-3/244/25-4/26NA5/1 (Both Sessions)
5th Grade3/21-3/225/3-5/45/2 (Both Sessions)NA

These State Tests allow our best and brightest to take on the State of Ohio in our Super Bowl.  In addition to the great competition, these tests measure the proficient level of each student based on state standards.  These students highly impact instructional decisions for your child.  In addition to our efforts during school, it is also important to prepare them outside of school.  The key is that students not only need to be able to get the correct answer on any of these tests, but they also need to explain their answer in paragraph form.  While reading a selection, they need to also be able to explain their answers with references back to the selection.

Be sure to check out the LINK on the Columbia Elementary Website under "Quick Links for Students" to The Ohio Department of Education's Practice Tests, Successmaker, and Math Magician,

*It is important to note that each State Test Subject has two sessions each.

Important Upcoming Dates:

2/20-Presidents Day-No School
2/21-5th Grade Camp Parents MTG at Middle School Library at 6:30pm
2/27-5K Meeting in Library at 4pm
3/3-Student of The Month Pizza Party
3/7-PTO Meeting-6pm in Library
3/8- Tiger Up Time-Job Exploration Stations-1:30-3:30pm
3/9-End of 3rd Nine Weeks
3/12-Daylight Savings Time Starts
3/13-Start of 4th Nine Weeks
3/17-Grade Cards Go Home with All Students
3/22-4/3/17-PTO Flower Sale
4/26/17-PTO Flower Delivery
5/18-Field Day (AM) and Water Day (PM)
5/22-KDG Registration at Columbia Elementary
Columbia Elementary State Testing Dates 2016-17

Thank you for allowing us to serve your children!

Tiger Up!

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