Sunday, April 30, 2017

Tiger Newsflash 4-30-17

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Good afternoon!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend with your family and friends! It is hard to believe we are headed down the homestretch of the last month of the 16-17 School Year.  With Interim Reports going home with all students this past Friday, we need to continue to focus on a strong academic finish.

As you will see below, we have several important events taking place in the upcoming month.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have regarding any of these events.

Please enjoy your weekly updates:

Great  Pictures from This Week:

Image may contain: 1 person, plant, flower and outdoor

Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

VERY IMPORTANT-MVCSD Renewal Levy-Tuesday May 2nd:

This is a Renewal of existing levies.  Keeping this funding in place is urgent to maintain our programs and staffing at current levels.

-May 2nd-Emergency Levy Renewal for Mount Vernon City Schools that will combine two existing levies into one.
-Levies first approved in 1981 and 2013 will appear as one issue.
-ZERO ADDITIONAL TAXES. Approval of this issue keeps Mount Vernon City Schools’ funding at current level and helps us to keep the programs and high quality teachers that we have.

-This levy represents 10% of our general fund budget.
-These funds are crucial to keep our high quality staff at current levels.

-Our Board, Administration and Staff have focused on very careful spending trends to these three key areas:
  1. Classrooms and students-high quality teachers, necessary supplies and curriculum.
  2. Safety and security-student and staff training and upgraded facilities.
  3. Technology-providing state of the art equipment and innovative/interactive programs for our students.
-Vote at your local polling place on May 2nd OR
-You may vote absentee beginning April 4th. To request an absentee ballot, download and fill out this form:
-April 29th is the deadline to request absentee ballots.
-Early voting in person begins on April 4th.

It is important that we renew these levies in order to protect our funding, and preserve our great school district!

State Testing Update:

Reminder: Our students in grades 3-5 are continuing to face their State Championship Match to prove to everyone else in the state that they truly are "The Best and The Brightest." If they attained at least a proficient mark on all parts of their required State Tests, they will earn a pass on The Game Truck in the Fall of 2017 for their hard work.

Below is a schedule of our State Testing Dates.  All Tests begin at the very beginning of the day, All students need be well rested and arrive to school on time by 9am.

ELAMathScienceSocial Studies
4th GradeDONEDONENA5/1 (Both Sessions)
5th GradeDONE5/3-5/45/2 (Both Sessions)NA



PTO-Our Pig Raffle IS BACK:

Based on your popular demand, our PTO is raffling off processed meat from a Pig again this coming month. Raffle tickets will be going home with students over the next couple of school days.  All money will be due to School by May 19th.  We will be drawing 2 names on May 24th (1 ticket will be drawn per awards assembly).  This meat will serve one or more families in our school.  Best of luck!

All money from this Pig Raffle will be going towards MORE PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT.

Talent Show Sign Up-Grades 3-5:

Columbia Elementary, needs our students’ talent in Grades 3-5!!! For this year's talent show they will have the option to either perform in front of the entire school or submit a video of your talent or the talents of you and your friends. These talents may be in music, gymnastics, martial arts, a short skit, a STEM Project, or something creative that they (with or without their friends can do).  They need to  know that playing music without signing is not considered to be a talent.

They may either tryout in person or submit a short (no more than 5 mins) video on Monday May 15th during their recess in the gym.  We ask that their performance can't be any longer than 5 minutes.  If they are submitting a video make sure it is sent via e-mail to or on a flashdrive.  Videos can be recorded on our off school grounds but must not break any school rules.

All students in grades 3-5 and these teachers should have received this Google Form in their school e-mail last week:

CLICK HERE to see the sign up sheet.

Important Dates for Talent Show:

Tryouts or Video Submissions--5/15 -12-1pm

Talent Show-5/23-2:30pm Tentatively

Ariel Foundation Park-Columbia PTO 5K On 5/19
Register ASAP!
Ariel LOGO 5k.jpg

All race participants that register between now and the race will receive $5 off the registration price. Our race t-shirt supply is limited and is on a first come first serve basis.  
Packet Pickup:  Race day only

Proceeds from the race will benefit Ariel Foundation Park and Columbia Elementary School (i.e. MORE PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT)

Please register ASAP online at: along with your credit card payment.
If you do not want to register online, please send in your registration form (CLICK HERE) with cash or check payment to Columbia Elementary's Main Office.  All checks need to be payable to:
Columbia Elementary PTO.

Begin Planning for Your Child to Go To College Now!

On 5/17 at 6:30pm in our gym, Todd Hawkins, First Knox Representative, and Sheryl Mickely,  Knox County Career Center Financial Aid Representative, will be meeting with our parents to begin their investment and savings process for their child’s college education or advanced training after High School Graduation.   

*All children of parents that attend this information session will receive an ice cream sandwich the next day at school for their parent’s attendance.  

KDG Registration & Immunizations-5/22

Mr. Seder, Mrs. Stutzman, and I are currently working together with the Knox County Health Dept. We are trying to get them to come to Columbia Elementary during our KDG Registration to offer immunizations onsite for incoming students (as a one stop shopping approach for our parents).More details will come once this is finalized.

Reminder: Volunteers Needed-Outdoor Learning Pavilion & Playground Installation

Outdoor Learning Pavilion: I am in the process of getting more specific dates:-May 28th (8am to 8pm) and May 29th (1-6pm):

*We are looking for volunteers  to help with the staining of this lumber. *

Playground Installation:

Taking place the weekend of June 10th & 11th

Please sign up for either or both of these projects below:



Please join us in recognizing and being thankful for the following individuals service to our students over many years as they will be retiring at the end of this school year:

Mr. Al Smith-Building Custodian
Mrs.Nancy Lester-Head Cook
Mrs. Jeanine Davenport-Title I Intervention

FYI-Teacher Assignments for 17-18:

As you might have heard some news through the grapevine, I want to solidify some of these rumors: Yes, I have reorganized some classroom assignments within our school in Grades 1-3, which will begin the 17-18 School Year.  None of these reassignments are as a result of any teacher doing anything wrong or any other form of discipline.  As you already know, I work with great people! In fact it is quite the opposite, I am always looking at our teachers' strengths and trying to match them better with our students' current needs.  One set of these needs is for our students to better perform in English Language Arts and Mathematics at both the local and state levels.  

I have a very strong belief that we must make sure that our students educational foundation is strong. If their foundation is not strong, it will impact the rest of their lives.  We ONLY want the BEST for The BEST and THE BRIGHTEST! 

Current Grade Level Teacher Assignments are:

KDG-Mrs. Ewers & Mrs. Gregory
1st-Mrs. Souhrada & Ms. Suarez
2nd-Mrs. Atkinson & Mrs. Luna
3rd-Mrs. Humphrey & Currently Interviewing For This Position
4th-Mrs. Thomas & Mrs. Barteau
5th-Mrs. Ferguson &Mrs. Justice
Title English Language Arts Intervention-Mrs. Brown

*All students will have their Homeroom Teacher's Assignment for next school year in their End of the Year Grade Card. 

Important Upcoming Dates:

5/4-PTO and 5K MTG at 6pm
5/5-2nd Grade Field Trip
5/5-Student of the Month-Pizza Party with Matt
5/5-Last Day for Students to Check Out Library Books
5/8-5/10-5th Grade Camp
5/9-4th Grade AG Day
5/11-First Grade Field Trip
5/12-Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast-Library @8am
5/12-All Books Due Back to Library and Last Day for Library Classes
5/14-Mother’s Day
5/15-Grades 3-5 Talent Show Tryouts-12 to 1pm in Gym
5/15-5/17-Students can go to Marcos Pizza and buy a pizza in a pizza box that they decorated.  We earn 15% for playground equipment.
5/17-Tiger Up-Future Planning for College or Advanced Training
5/17-Parent Night-Financial Planning for Higher Ed-6:30-7:30pm
5/18-Field Day (AM) and Water Day (PM)
5/19-Columbia Graduating Senior Lunch and Clap Out-12:00 (Lunch) 12:30-Clap Out (tentative)
5/19-Ariel Foundation Park and Columbia Elementary 5K-6pm
5/22-KDG Registration at Columbia Elementary
5/23-Grades 3-5 Talent Show-2:30pm-Tentative
5/24-Grade Cards Go Home with 2017-18 Class Assignments
5/24-Last Day for Students
5/24-K-2 Awards Assembly-9:15-10am
5/24-Grades 3-5 Awards Assembly-10-10:45am
5/24-5th Grade Graduation-11-11:45am
5/24-2 Hour Early Dismissal
5/30-Blood Drive at Columbia Elementary

Thank you for allowing us to serve your children!
Tiger Up!

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