Saturday, September 23, 2017

Tiger Newsflash 9-23-17

Weekly Message

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone is doing well! We had an awesome week at Columbia Elementary this past week.  Our students are continuing to do great things in our classrooms.  I have seen students engaged in great Math lesson (i.e. problem solving lessons), classroom discussions about different types of sentences, bridge building lessons, and more.  We are looking forward to another great week (starting on Tuesday) with each of them next week. Next week we will have more excitement, learning, and our Tiger Up Day on Wednesday.

Please enjoy your weekly updates below.

Tiger Up!

Masterpieces in The Making

Image may contain: 9 people, people smiling, child, grass, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, child, shoes and outdoor

New Updates

Board of Education Presentation: Columbia Elementary Playground Renovations and Outdoor Learning Pavilion:

If you have not had the opportunity to review my presentation to the Mount Vernon Board of Education this past Monday night and our video to the supporters of this project, please do so. You can view both on our school website or by CLICKING HERE.

Kindergarten Hearing Screenings:

Our School Nurse, Mrs. Stutzman, and Mrs. Metcalf, Nurse's Aide, conducted Kindergarten Screenings on all of our Kindergarten students this week. Any concerns that come out of these screenings will be relayed to parents directly on an as needed basis.

District Leadership Team:

Our District Leadership Team met this week as we do most months to discuss how we can further improve our school district. This meeting started off with our Superintendent, Mr. Seder, sharing his analysis of our State Report Card. This is the same analysis he shared during our Board of Education Meeting this past Monday evening. Please CLICK HERE to view his slideshow. It is worth your viewing. Note this is district level data and not building specific.

We also discussed how each building level initiatives connect to our overall district improvement plan. Please click on the follow Reference Sheet: District OIP Plan On A Page to view our District Improvement Plan.

This Monday-Teacher Inservice-No School-9/25:

On Monday, we will be working hard to improve our services to our students.  On this day we will be improving our student testing processes by training our instructional team on how to analyze current student data to improve classroom instruction. We will also be focusing on best teaching practices. For these reasons, we will not have any students at school on Monday.

State Testing Reward Party-Game Truck-9/29:

As I promised to our students last spring, if they received a "proficient" rating or above on ALL of their required Grade Level State Tests, I would bring the game truck again in the fall (per their popular request). On Friday, all students in grades 4-6 from Columbia Elementary that met this achievement will have this opportunity. We will begin rotations of students at 1:30pm on Friday and end the day with last year's 5th graders (this year's sixth graders) coming over to our school by bus to spend time in the game truck from 3:00-3:30pm.  The parents of these sixth grader will be responsible for picking them up at 3:30pm. We are expecting the 6th graders to RSVP in order to come.  

Thank you Columbia Elementary for Paying It Forward!

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Columbia Elementary's Third Graders collected $403.95 to the Huston Food Bank.

All Columbia Elementary grade levels collected numerous supplies for schools in the flood affect area of Orange Texas. These supplies are being delivered directly to these schools this week.

Thank you to everyone!!!!

Upcoming Events

9/25-No School-Teacher Inservice
9/27-Tiger Up Assembly-1:30-2:15-Coach Kerr & HS FB Players
9/27-Tiger Up Mentor Groups-2:30-3:30
9/29-Game Truck State Test Reward
10/2-10/6-Grade 4 CoGat Testing Window
10/3-COSI On Wheels
10/3-PTO Meeting-7pm-Library
10/6-Student of the Pizza Party with Matt during Lunch
10/23-No School-Inservice Day
10/27-Halloween Classroom Parties-2:45-3:30pm
10/30-Trick or Read-6-7pm

Previous & Important Updates


Please let your child's teacher know if you are interested in volunteering. We would love to see you!

Kroger Cares Sign Up Today

Be sure to sign up for our Columbia Elementary PTO Kroger Cares Program.  This is a way for our PTO to automatically raise funds for Columbia Elementary Students without costing you anymore money.  Be sure to reenroll each year in the program if you already have an existing account.  This Program will not COST YOU ANY MONEY:)


Amazon Smiles-Sign Up Today

The Amazon Smiles Program will cost you NO ADDITIONAL MONEY as you make your purchases on SMILE.AMAZON.COM.  However, it will help support our Columbia Elementary PTO in supporting the students at Columbia Elementary.

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