Saturday, August 16, 2014

Two more days and counting....

We are so very excited to see our pride and joy again here at Columbia Elementary! That pride and joy is our student body. There is no greater feeling than seeing their smiling faces come off the school buses and getting out of their parent's cars again.  They are truly special to us! This will start happening again this Tuesday morning at 8:40am.

Another group that is truly special to us is our Columbia Elementary Team!  I have to take a moment and brag about them: They have been working hard planning and preparing for your children. This preparation has been anywhere from getting their instruction aligned and focused on our students' needs to participating in an Active Shooter Training Workshop put on by our state and local public safety officials.  Great job done by all! We cannot thank our public safety official enough for such an awesome training.  It was a great workshop to keep our students and staff safer. I am fully confident that we are on our way to excellence!!  

Just a few reminders: please fill out the necessary paperwork for the start of the school year.  It is encouraged that all of this paperwork is in on back to school night(this Monday@6pm) or shortly after. It is especially important that your emergency contact information and confidential Free and Reduced Meal application is turned in (even if you feel that you may not qualify it is encouraged that you fill it out and turn it in).  Many do not realize that the statistics alone from our Free and Reduced Meal Program support many instructional and support mechanisms in our school.  Therefore, you filling out this confidential application helps us support our students in many different ways.  We also welcome you and your family to attend our Back to School Night on Monday from 6-7pm.  I will be having an important meeting with parents for a half an hour in the gym (K-2 parents from 6-6:30pm and Grades 3-5 parents from 6:30-7pm).  The remaining half an hour parents will be in the classrooms speakingwith the  teacher.  

We are truly blessed to serve your children, our students!

Go Tigers!

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