Friday, August 8, 2014

Welcome Back Columbia Elementary!


We are truly looking forward to having your child, our student, back in school on Tuesday, August 19, 2014!  We are excited to see their smiles, enjoy their stories about their summer vacations, and to continue to watch them physically and academically grow.  We need them back in the building to continue to build “excellence” at Columbia Elementary.  

Our summer has been very productive preparing for our students arrival.  I have been very impressed with our teachers as they have been busy working with other teachers, taking coursework/workshops, analyzing state level data, and/or researching improve ways to better align and focus our curriculum with our students’ needs over their summer break. Our impressive maintenance and custodial staff has been working hard over the summer on giving Columbia Elementary a facelift.  You will notice quickly as you enter our building the great environment that we have here because of their efforts.  As we are working towards excellence it is truly a team effort, and our work is not done.

To better prepare you for this school year, we want to update you:  

1) On August 18th, you are invited to come to Back to School Night from 6 to 7pm.  During this time, K-2=Parents of K-2 students will  meet with me in the Gym from 6-6:30pm and will be in the classrooms from 6:30-7pm.  Parents of Grades 3-5 student will be in the classrooms from 6-6:30pm and will be meeting with me from 6:30-7pm in the Gym..  Our meeting together will be an informational meeting about your child’s education here at Columbia Elementary.  
2) Students will be returning to school on August 19th.  Our new school hours will be from 9am to 3:30pm.  Free Universal breakfast for all students will begin at 8:40am. 3) Due to the National School Lunch Program, the school district was forced to increase our lunch prices to $2.50.  Free and Reduced Meals will still be available to those that qualify (A Free and Reduced Lunch Application will need to be filed with us for this eligibility(application is available on our website)). 3) Our student handbook has been revised make sure you visit our website to review these changes (we also have paper copies available upon request in the office).
4) Student dropoffs/pickups will need to occur only in the side parking lot (north side of the building).  You will notice that we have tried to improve traffic flow for the safety of our students. 5) It is crital that you sign up on our Ohio Alerts System at for school cancelations/delays/or other important information email/text notifications.  It is quick and easy to sign up and will be a direct link of communication between us during an emergent situation.         

Thank you for continuing to allow us to serve your child/children, our student/s.  We are excited to see each of our students’ faces as they enter back in Columbia Elementary on August 19th.  Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions and/or concerns.  I can be reached at 1-740-393-5975 or  For more information about our great school, be sure to like us on Facebook at   

Yours in education.
Matthew J. Dill, Ed.D
Columbia Elementary, Principal

1 comment:

  1. I tried to go to the website and look at the revised handbook. When I click on "student handbook" it says it is listed under attachments -- but there is no attachment.
