Sunday, February 22, 2015

Columbia Elementary Weekly Blog-2-22-15

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! It looks like winter continues to stick around...  Despite the odd weather we have been having, we continue to push our students towards excellence each day. Last week was a fairly short week, but we started with the first round of State Testing.  Our Fifth Graders took the State Math Exams on Tuesday and Wednesday.  From the feedback that I am receiving from our students, these tests presented both challenges for them and elements of familiarity to them.  All and all, the administration of the testing is going well.

Among the Media, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media aspects, State Testing has taken on an ongoing conversation.  Before you gain an opinion either way about these tests, there are a few things to consider: 1) Our Annual State Testing Requirement is a part of The No Child Left Behind Legislation passed in 2001 and the Federal Government continues to discuss the reauthorization of this legistation 2) State Testing even existed even before 2001. When in March 1987, The Ohio State Board of Education adopted a resolution recommending that the General Assembly enact legislation to require students to pass proficiency test in order to graduate from High School. 3) The PARCC Exams are not part of the Common Core. 4)Both PARCC (our English Language Arts and Math State Exams) and Common Core are totally separate items.

While both opinions and research about state testing are both abundant and diverse in nature, we know that these State Tests have changed their requirements from year to year and may change in the future...  One example of this change is that last year, we only administer one series of tests in mid to late April.  This year, we are required to administer two series 1)Performance Based Test, in mid February to beginning of March 2) End of Year Test mid-April until the Beginning of May.  These tests are both required and THEY DO MATTER.  The tests matter in the sense of: 1)Each student's, at Columbia Elementary (Grades 3-5) ability to earn a Summer Pool Party (if a student passes all parts of their state test with at least a proficient level, they will be invited to a summer pool party). 2)  the scores are part of each student's cumulative record 3) These test show the student, parent, teacher, and school how he/she is progressing with the State Standards 3) The scores impact the school's Title I Status 4) Each student's score impacts the student growth requirements of all public school teachers and principals in the state of Ohio.

Due to our school cancelation on Thursday, our Revised Testing Schedule will be:

2/23/2015Gr 5 ELA75 mins
2/24/2015Gr 5 ELA90 mins
2/25/2015Gr 5 ELA60 mins
2/26/2015Gr 4 math80 mins
2/27/2015Gr 4 math70 mins
3/2/2015Gr 4 ELA75 mins
3/3/2015Gr 4 ELA90 mins
3/4/2015Gr 4 ELA60 mins
3/5/2015Gr 3 Math75 mins
3/6/2015Gr 3 Math75 mins
3/10/2015Gr 5 science75 mins
3/11/2015Gr 4 soc st75 mins

*Please know if there is a 2 hour delay, testing will take place in the afternoon following lunch of that same scheduled day.

I am sharing the above information for you to better understand the whole picture of the mulitude of facts and opinions that you may hear day to day....I hope this helps no matter where your opinion is on these matters....

If you or someone you know has a child that wants to begin Kindergarten at Columbia Elementary during the 2015-16 School Year, be sure the form below is filled out (by clicking on it) and submitted:

Kindergarten Registration Form (click below):

Our Kindergarten Registration will be on April 17th from 8am-12:30pm.

Check out our Morning Announcements for this coming week by Clicking HERE.

We continue to be thankful for you allowing us to serve your children! Have a great week!!!

Go Tigers!

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