Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekly Blog 3-29-15


Good afternoon!

It is hard to believe that we are already entering April 2015, and in the last grading period of the 14-15 School Year.  I cannot thank everyone enough for making this school year so very special at Columbia Elementary!  We truly have a fantastic student body,team, and community!

On Friday, we had an exceptional day at our school.  Many individuals made this day extra special for our students as we held: our awards assemblies for the third nine weeks, The Dan Emmett Play, and The Pie Assembly.  In regards to our Awards Assembly, I want to take a moment and brag about our students.  There is no doubt that they are working hard and they are on their way to excellence!  As I am big "numbers guy,"I want to bring some numbers to your attention that are worth noting:

We had the following amounts of students earn the following achievements on Friday for the Third Nine Weeks:

Principal's Honor Roll (Grades 2-5)(Must have a 4.0 GPA)=22 students
Honor Roll (Grades 2-5)(Must have between a 3.5-3.99 GPA)=44 students
Merit Roll (Grades 2-5)(Must have a 3.0-3.49 GPA)=29 students
Bring Up Grades Award (Bring up one grade without letting others drop)=14 students
Outstanding Effort (Grades 3-5)=9 Students

Out of these students the following amount of students in The Reading and Math After School Intervention Program earned the following awards for Grades 3-5:

Bring Up Grades=9 Students
Honor Roll=4 Students
Merit Roll=10 Students
Bring Up Grades=9 Students
Students of the Month=5 Students
Outstanding Effort=6 Students

We are very proud of our students!!! Great job!! We must continue to finish strong as we head towards the finishline of the 14-15 School Year.  We have not yet completed this race and must continue to be successful in our classrooms!!
As you are already aware, we are continuing with State Testing in April.  These set of tests are what Ohio is calling the "End of The Year" Testing Cycle.  As we have learned some things from our first round of testing, we have made adjustments in our testing schedule for April.  Please make a note of these changes in scheduling and how they relate to your child, our student (remember ELA=English Language Arts, SS=Social Studies):

End of the Year State Exams
TestScheduled TimeAlotted Time
4/20/2015Gr 4 ELA9:15 AM75 min
4/21/2015Gr 5 ELA9:15 AM75 min
4/22/2015Gr 3 OAA9:15 AM2.5 hours
4/23/2015Gr 4 Math9:15 AM75 min
4/24/2015Gr 4 Math9:15 AM75 min
4/27/2015Gr 5 Math9:15 AM75 min
Gr 3 Math12:30 PM75 min
4/28/2015Gr 5 Math9:15 AM75 min
Gr 3 Math12:30 PM75 min

5/5/2015Gr 4 SS9:15 AM75 min
5/6/2015Gr 5 Science9:15 AM75 min

Please be reminded of the following upcoming events:

4/6-PTO Google Training from 6-7pm (Third Floor Classroom-Mrs. Thomas's Classroom)
4/6-PTO Meeting at 7pm in the library
4/9-KDG and 2nd Graders-Third Nine Weeks' Goal Reward-Big Kids Playground at 2:30pm
4/10-Donuts with Parents from 8:15-9am in the Gym-All Parents/Legal Guardians are Welcome!
4/10-Grades 3 and 4-Third Nine Weeks' Goal Reward-Dodgeball Tournament at 2:30pm
4/13-PTO 5K Meeting at 6pm in the library
4/17-KDG Registration by appointment
4/20-Beginning of State Testing
5/8-Columbia Elementary PTO and Ariel Foundation 5K-during the late afternoon/evening

Please enjoy your spring break with your family and friends and be safe!!

Go Tigers!

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