Sunday, April 12, 2015

Weekly Blog 4-12-15


Good Sunday Morning!

Today is a great day to be alive as the sun is shining and the birds are beginning to sign their songs.  At Columbia Elementary, we are continuing to move forward and grow academically stronger by the day.  We see evidence everyday that our students are working hard and continuing to learn more and more.

I want to start off by congratulating our March Students of The Month: Carter Rutherford (5th Grade), Gage Reynolds (5th Grade), Ri Miller (4th Grade), Tyler Davidson (4th Grade), Jhon Huerte (3rd Grade), Landon Cardwell (3rd Grade), Felicity Rowlen (2nd Grade), Karson Smith (2nd Grade), Zane Barber (1st Grade), Logan Brehm-Parent (1st Grade), Lachlee Fulton (Kindergarten), and Piper Wheeler (Kindergarten).  We are especially proud of all of these students and all of their efforts in our classrooms.  I can't tell you enough how much I enjoyed our Pizza Party together in my office on Friday.

We are also especially proud of our grade levels that met their Reading, Math, and Behavior Goals for the third nine weeks.  On Friday at 2:30pm, we had all Third and Fourth Graders in the gym to play an intense Dodgeball Tournament.  We played about five different games and all of us had a blast celebrating their successes together.  We also originally had it scheduled to take out all Kindergartners and Second Graders on Thursday at 2:30pm to play on the "Big Kids' Playground." As you may recall it was raining on this afternoon, so we had to reschedule this event for this coming Friday at 2:30 (April 17th).  It is great to see their enjoyment for doing academically well!

This coming Friday morning (April 17th), we are having our Kindergarten Registration.  Make sure that if you haven't already done so and you have an upcoming Kindergartner that schedule an appointment through Mrs. Darcy Miller, our Building Secretary. We are looking forward to meeting with and working with you and your child as we begin this exciting process.

As you may recall the state changed the state testing process for this school year.  Now we have a Performance Based Test that our students took in February and an "End of The Year" test that they will begin taking next week, on April 20th. As we are beginning our second round of Required State Testing, it is very important that our students take these tests serious and they are well rested for their state level competition.  While we know that they are the very best and the brightest, this is the time for us to show them off to the rest of the world.  The testing schedule will be as follows:

End of the Year State Tests
4/20/2015Gr 4 ELA9:15 AM
4/21/2015Gr 5 ELA9:15 AM
4/22/2015Gr 3 OAA9:15 AM
4/23/2015Gr 4 Math9:15 AM
4/24/2015Gr 4 Math9:15 AM
4/27/2015Gr 5 Math9:15 AM
Gr 3 Math12:30 PM
4/28/2015Gr 5 Math9:15 AM
Gr 3 Math12:30 PM

5/5/2015Gr 4 Soc St9:15 AM
5/6/2015Gr 5 Science9:15 AM

Some Upcoming important events:

4/16-Last Day for After School Reading and Math Program (Grade 3-5)
4/17-KDG Registration
4/17-KDG & 2nd Grade Reward-”Big Kids Playground” at 2:30pm
4/20-Start of State Testing
4/29-Senior Citizens Luncheon at MV High School 12:00-2:00 p.m.
5/8- Columbia Elementary PTO and Ariel Foundation 5K
5/29-Last Day of School for Students

On a final note for the week, I want to thank everyone that came out for our "Donuts with Parents" event this past Friday morning.  We served 273 donuts on this day and we were so grateful to have everyone in attendance! I think it is very important that we get together in that fashion a couple times a year for good fellowship and enjoyment of our students and school.  Thank you for making this a priority with your busy schedules.

Have a great week!

Go Tigers!

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