Friday, May 1, 2015

Weekly Blog 5-1-15

May 1, 2015

Good evening!

It is unbelievable that we are sitting here on May 1, 2015 headed into the close of another school year...  All of us have witnessed another year of your children growing up both physically and mentally...  Wow! It is a true honor to serve each and everyone of them!

In this week's blog, I want to inform you about a variety of items that you need to know for this last month of the 14-15 School Year:

1) Election Day is This Tuesday
This Tuesday, May 5th,  is VERY IMPORTANT to Mount Vernon City School District.  Please be sure to vote on a NO NEW TAXES LEVY.  This levy is simply a RENEWAL of MVCSD Current Funding Levels.

Please click on THIS LINK to learn more information.

2) State Testing Continues:
We have two more state tests to administer for this school year.  Each of these tests will be a maximum of 75 minutes in length.: On May 5th, all 4th Graders will be taking a Social Studies State Test. The following day on May 6th, all of our 5th Graders will be taking the Science State Test.  It is expected that our students perform at their highest levels on these tests. Therefore it continues to be important that they come to school well rested.

3)Preparation for Grades 3-5-Last Nine Weeks Reward:
If our students in grades 3-5 meet their Reading, Math, and Behavior goals this nine weeks, I have promised them that we would go on a bike ride on one of the following days:  May 21st (4th Grade), May 22nd (5th Grade), or May 26th (3rd Grade).

If they meet these goals as a grade level, the students will be allowed to bring their bikes to school.
Of course, this would mean that the bikes would need to be transported by car to school and not on the school bus.  We will take the last hour of these specific school days and ride on the bike trail behind our school into Ariel Foundation Park and near by areas. We will also be asking for parent volunteers for these events and sending out a letter this coming week to be further prepared all families and all of us for our students' great success. If you are interested in volunteering, please notify your child's teacher or I.  In the meantime, please make sure your child's bike is in safe working order for this possibility and you are able to transport it to and from school on the above mentioned date.  I am confident that our students will greatly enjoy this opportunity.

4)Ariel Foundation-Columbia Elementary 5K Run Walk On May 8th
CLICK Here to Register.
5) Important Upcoming Dates:
5/8- Columbia Elementary PTO and Ariel Foundation 5K
5/14-Talent Show Tryouts for Grades 3-5
5/20-Field Day
5/26-Field Day Rain Make Up Date
5/27-Talent Show for Grades 3-5-at 2pm approximately
5/28-5th Grade Graduation
5/28-Water Day after lunch (1:15pm approximately)
5/29-Awards Assemblies: 9:15-10-K-2; 10-10:45-Grades 3-5
8/10-Open Enrollment Applications are finalized

6) Most Important...BE A HERO TO OUR STUDENTS:

Thank you for your continuing support of our students!

Go Tigers!

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