Sunday, May 10, 2015

Weekly Blog 5-10-15


Good morning!

Happy Mothers Day to all of our Momma Tigers out there! As my mother played an especially important part in my life, so do all of you in the lives of your children, our students.  Our students probably do not express their true gratitude towards you right now, but do not under estimate the true value of what you do and how important you are to their success in life.  For this great responsibilty and important role that you have in your child's life, we thank you and appreciate your continued support of all of our Columbia Elementary Tigers!  Please have a wonderful Mothers Day!

Please read below a few important updates:

A couple Special Thank Yous to All!
a) We would like to thank everyone that came out and supported the RENEWAL of our NO NEW TAXES Levy on May 5, 2015.  We truly appreciate your ongoing support!

b) We also would like to thank The Ariel Foundation, the nearly 200 participants, numerous volunteers, and numerous sponsors that were a part of The Ariel Foundation-Columbia PTO 5K/1 mile Fun Run last Friday.We were very blessed to have everyone come together as a community and help support this great cause.  Be sure to check out pictures of this event at Thank you to all!

Preparation for Grades 3-5-Last Nine Weeks Reward:
If our students in grades 3-5 meet their Reading, Math, and Behavior goals this nine weeks, I have promised them that we would go on a bike ride on one of the following days:  May 21st (4th Grade), May 22nd (5th Grade), or May 26th (3rd Grade).

If they meet these goals as a grade level, the students will be allowed to bring their bikes to school.
Of course, this would mean that the bikes would need to be transported by car to school and not on the school bus.  We will take the last hour of these specific school days and ride on the bike trail behind our school into Ariel Foundation Park and near by areas. We will also be asking for parent volunteers for these events and sending out a letter this coming week to be further prepared all families and all of us for our students' great success. If you are interested in volunteering, please notify your child's teacher or I.  In the meantime, please make sure your child's bike is in safe working order for this possibility and you are able to transport it to and from school on the above mentioned date.  I am confident that our students will greatly enjoy this opportunity.

Below I would like to update you on a few important pieces of information for this week:

Our New Website:
As our goal is to keep strong communication with all of you, we are improving our district and building webpages.  Be sure to check out our webpage at  We hope you enjoy this new interface and find it easier to find information.  Please consider our website a work in progress as it is still under construction.  Please stay tuned to updated information,teacher webpages, and more.  We appreciate your patience as we make this transition.

Important Dates:
5/11-Blood Drive Promotion Assembly with students at 3pm.
5/14-Talent Show Tryouts for Grades 3-5
5/15-Volunteer Breakfast
5/15-Blood Drive-The American Red Cross will be accepting donations 
at Columbia Elementary (until 4pm)
5/20-Field Day
5/22-Graduating Seniors (from Columbia Elementary) Breakfast at 7:45am
5/25-Memorial Day-No School
5/26-Field Day Rain Make Up Date
5/27-Talent Show for Grades 3-5-at 2pm approximately
5/28-5th Grade Graduation @ 9:30am
5/28-Water Day after lunch (1:15pm approximately)
5/29-Last Day of School for Students
5/29-Awards Assemblies: 9:15-10-K-2; 10-10:45-Grades 3-5
5/29-Early Dismissal at 1:30pm
8/10-Open Enrollment Applications are finalized

Thank you for your continuing support of our students!

Go Tigers!

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