Saturday, May 16, 2015

Weekly Blog 5-16-15


Good afternoon!

I hope all is well! I want to take a moment and thank everyone that has followed the development of this weekly blog over the last year.  When it started, I liked the idea of blogging to keep in touch with our community, but I had not done it before and wanted it to develop and be a useful tool to better inform all of you about the great things happening at Columbia Elementary.  As we have progressed, I want you to know that we usually get between 63 and 163 views per week.  Folks are viewing this Blog as close as Mount Vernon, Ohio to as far away as Switzerland, Ireland, France, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Venezuala, United Kingdom, and Canada.  Thank you to all of you for taking an interest in our great school!  I hope you have found this blog to be informative and useful.

Our students continue to shine at Columbia Elementary in and outside of our classrooms!  We continue to see their successes each and everyday.  I really enjoyed it this week when I visited our Third Grade Classrooms and saw all of our students working on their Animal Projects while using their Chromebooks while utilizing online Google Documents.  I love to see technology support our Academic Content Standards!  Our students and instructional team have made great strides this year embrassing these tools and seeing success in many different ways.  In my eyes, this embracement of technology and using it to support our instruction will be a continued progression.  

On Thursday, we saw our students in Grades 3-5 gain success outside of their classrooms.  After school some students in Grades 3-5 tried out for our Talent Show.  All of these students made it. I am excited to see them shine on May 27th at 2:15pm in our gym.  Parents you are welcome to attend! Following this assembly there will be another assembly that you will not want to will be a dual effort to reward students that participated in the 5k and to raise money for our upcoming 5th graders to go to camp next year....Stay tuned for details! 

Be sure to check out our new website at and click on Columbia Elementary.  You will notice a big difference!  We are making every effort to try to improve our communication with all of you!  We hope you find it useful, informative, and a improved way to communicate.

In the same effort to improve communication with you. Be sure to sign up for a Twitter Account if you have not already done so.  Go to and follow @MVCSD_Supt, @Columbia_Tiger, and @drmjdill .  CLICK HERE to learn more about Twitter. Using Twitter is a great way to continuous stay up to date on what is taking place in Mount Vernon City School District and more specifically at Columbia Elementary.  Just an FYI, you are able to link your Twitter Account to your Facebook page....I use Twitter daily to improve my knowledge of Best Educational Practice and Best Practices in Fire and EMS.  Believe me I had no idea a year ago how to use it and I love it now! It is very helpful!

As the remainder of this month will continue to fly by, we have a lot to accomplish before this school year comes to a close.  Please be sure to read all the dates and times below:
Dates to remember:
5/20-Field Day-AM
5/20-5th Grade Puberty Talk at 2:30pm
5/26-Field Day Rain Make Up Date
5/26-Student of the Month-Pizza Party during lunch
5/26-K-2 4th Quarter Reward-Movie and Popcorn at 2pm in Gym
5/27-Talent Show for Grades 3-5-at 2:15-2:45pm
5/27-Duct Tape Assembly-at 2:45
5/28-5th Grade Graduation at 9:30am
5/28-Water Day after lunch (1:15pm approximately)
5/29-Awards Assemblies: 9:15-10-K-2; 10-10:45-Grades 3-5
5/29-Early Release at 1:30pm
8/10-Open Enrollment Applications are finalized

Thank you for your continued support!

Go Tigers!

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