Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekly Blog 9-13-15

September 13, 2015

Good morning!

I would like to first start off by thanking the 142 people that read our blog last week.  I really appreciate your interest in our students and our school! In this week's blog I would like to highlight a couple pieces of information that I want to make sure I am communicating effectively with you on and a few other normal updates:

You have heard me talk about our "Tiger Up Time" that we are beginning this school year, which focuses on developing the character and leadership skills of our young people.  While this is a new program to us and a continued work in progress, I am super excited about the potentional implications of it on our current and future generations.

Once a month, beginning this coming Friday (September 18th), our students will arrive at school at the normal time at 8:30 for breakfast.  Beginning at 9am our students will follow a slightly different master schedule, one that I am calling a two hour delay schedule.  This two hour delay schedule for our Tiger Up Time, only means that the students are still arriving at the normal 8:30am time, but they will not get their normal academics until 11am.  This allows me to create a two hour window for Character and Leadership Skills. 

During this two hour window, all of our students will be going through an hour of instruction around a specific topic with their Mentor (this month=Good Character), and the remaining hour they will be attending a schoolwide assembly with an expert in this area.  Most of these guest speakers are from the Knox County area.  Keep in mind, the Mentors that have been assigned to each student is someone different than their classroom teacher.  We have our entire Instructional Team involved in this process, including me.  This means that our students will be in small groups of an average of 10-15 students. The idea behind these small groups is that this will increase our positive impact.

As a result of these small groups our elementary school became short on physcial space, so we will be utlizing both the school and South Vernon Church next door.  Please know that only district employed staff will be teaching these small groups. We are very appreciative that South Vernon is allowing us to use their facilities each month.  Their continued support of our school is very humbling...

As we consider Character and Leadership Education to be a team effort, we want parents to also attend our month 10am assemblies.  This will allow us to work from both a parent and education direction to help better develop our students. Please know that you are welcome to come to our gym this Friday and each month at 10am for our Character and Leadership Assemblies.  We would like to thank you for your participation ahead of time! Please know that during this time we would like everyone to wear their "Tiger Up" shirts to show our unity with these efforts.  

On a different note, I would like to invite all of you to attend our monthly PTO Meetings beginning this Monday (9/14) at 7pm.  I cannot say enough great things about our PTO. This group plays an active role in helping support our building and district goals.  While some meetings that you have attended in your lifetime might have been dry and boring, I can honestly say I have never felt that way with our PTO.  If you are unable to attend some or any meetings but still can help in other ways, please know those efforts are also appreciated.  Please feel free to contact Misty McClain ( ), Debbie Beck (, Taffy Frazer (, and/or myself ( at anytime for more information.

This Friday, we will be having our Annual Schoolwide Team Picture (the picture that is on the banner in front of the school). Be sure that your child is either wearing their Tiger Up Shirt (depending on if we have them by Friday) or Orange and Black. I always love getting an updated picture of our "Vision of Excellence," our students!  

Looking for input:
I am chewing on the idea of having a Saturday each grading period/each semester, where we do a Father and Son's morning/afternoon (for a couple hours) playing some basketball or other sports games... I would be interested in your thoughts...

Upcoming Important Dates:

PTO MTG-9/14-7pm in the Library.

K-3 Bus Safety Assembly-9/15-9:15am-Gym

YES Concert-5th Grade-9/16-10am

Tiger Up Time-9/18-9-11am

Team Picture-9/18@2:45pm-Schoolwide

K-2 Disney MTV Arts-9/25 at 10am

Thank you for your continued support of our students!

Tiger Up!!

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