Friday, September 18, 2015

Weekly Blog 9-18-15

September 18, 2015

Good evening!

I would like to thank all of the parents that came out today for our Tiger Up Assembly! It meant a lot to see parents involved in helping us support our Character and Leadership Education program.  Please know that all parents are welcome to attend these assemblies each month 10:15am.

At the end of the day, we took our annual Team Picture.  We are truly blessed to have the BEST and the BRIGHTEST STUDENTS!! Below you will see one of the many pictures we took today, but this one was of our best Tiger Face:) LOL!! We truly enjoy your children!

Today, we are sent home Interim Reports at their scheduled time.  As you are looking over your child’s grades, I want you to know a lot of tests are administered during the first month of school.  These tests are both required by either the state of Ohio and/or the school district.  These tests are important to measure the exact starting point for each student.  This measurement allows us to better instruct our students.  As a result of this process, there are fewer grades taken during the first month of school.  Please realize that the grade written on your child’s interim may not be a true representation of their actual and whole academic performance.  As more data is collected from each student’s performance they will create a more accurate picture through their grades.

I want to report that our First Tiger Up Time about having Good Character was a success today!  We had great discussions in our Mentor groups and had an awesome assembly with Devin Thomas.  The message was clear today about “building people up and not tearing them down.” We also had many conversations about responsibility, honesty, and treating people how we would want to be treated.

Today was an hour of our Monthly Mentorship:

And approximately an hour of Character Motivation:

I want to report to you that we have given our Tiger Up T-Shirt Process more thought after more feedback and discussions.  We realize that kids may want to wear their shirt more often than once a month, so we are going to let the students take their shirts home with the understanding that all students will wear them on our Tiger Up Days.  These days will be on: 10/16, 11/20, 12/18, 1/15, 3/10, and 5/20.  As always, you are welcome to attend our assemblies at 10am on these day and you can wear your Tiger Up T-Shirt with great pride.  If you have not purchased your child’s t-shirt, we are lending your child a shirt to use.  If you would like for you child to keep the shirt when the year is over, you may make payment of $8.00 to The Columbia Elementary PTO.  

Thank you for your ongoing support of our students!  We are excited about these great times at Columbia Elementary.  We are striving to improve both the academic and strong character of each student.

Have a Wonderful Weekend with your family and friends!

Tiger Up!

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