Saturday, February 6, 2016

Tiger Newsflash 2-6-16


Good morning!

I hope everyone is doing well this morning!  As our Fire-Rescue Department just got back from a squad call this morning, I am taking a moment to enjoy a nice cup of coffee and talk about my favorite subject, your children.

This past week was fantastic at Columbia Elementary. I continue to see our students reach new levels in our classrooms.  Their achievements are continued to be seen through their projects, classroom assignments, and eagerness to learn about Science and Mathematics.  I have seen great teaching in our classrooms through many different styles of teaching like:Students measuring the tempature throughout the school building to apply it to their Science Concepts, learning about Invasive Plant Life through visual illustrations throughout the building and great conversations, students strengthening their technological skills through project based learning, and teachers stepping out of their comfort zones to challenge to and what is best for students.  Way to Tiger It Up Columbia! I am proud of you!

Look at these brain juices flowing:)

Below please read your weekly updates:

Dr. Dill's Weekly Hall of Fame:

Second Grade-Math

  • Zane Barber
  • Jonathan Kreager
  • Jayden Smith
  • Wyatt Clendenen
  • Miya Montgomery
  • Taylor Tolle
  • Tyce Davidson
  • Lane Mussard
  • Tyler Tucker
  • Ayden Grant
  • Madeline Pealer
  • Jaden Wheeler
  • Kaylee Jones
  • Emily Phillips
  • Madison Wolfe
  • Arieanna Kovach
  • Drake Seavolt

Second Grade-Reading

  • Zane Barber
  • Kaylee Jones
  • Jayden Smith
  • Travis Bird
  • Arieanna Kovach
  • Taylor Tolle
  • Wyatt Clendenen
  • Jonathan Kreager
  • Seth Vance
  • Josiah Colon
  • Miya Montgomery
  • Jaden Wheeler
  • Ilythia Combs
  • Lane Mussard
  • Madison Wolfe
  • Tyce Davidson
  • Madeline Pealer
  • Summer Hall
  • Drake Seavolt

Third Grade-Reading

  • Case Armstrong
  • Jason Harden
  • Timothy Fawcett
  • Tyler Ing

Third Grade-Math
  • Jared Boucher
  • Timothy Fawcett
  • Aric Lust
  • Haley Combs
  • Tyler Ing
  • Arianne Scott
  • Riley Compton
  • Grace Jackson
  • Jordan Willits

Fourth Grade-Reading

  • Adyson Beaver
  • Ally Jenkins
  • Rachel Ruth
  • Karissa Cackler
  • Brady Kaufman
  • Jada Sudderth
  • Chloe Calbert
  • Brooklyn Kelley
  • Jaden Thompson
  • Alexis Cook
  • Quentin Meadors
  • Phoenix Woosley
  • Autumn Duffey
  • Guage Ragor
  • Allison Healy
  • Maliq Ramos

Fourth Grade-Math

  • Isabella Brehm-Parent
  • Konner Daughriety
  • Allison Healy
  • Karissa Cackler
  • Karley Davis
  • Brady Kaufman
  • Alexis Cook
  • Mackenzie Dwello
  • Rachel Ruth

Fifth Grade-Reading

  • Mia Armstrong
  • Emily Hammond
  • Ri Miller
  • Cooper Carpenter
  • John Hays
  • Devyn Smith
  • Jake Fanning
  • Hanna Humphrey
  • Anne Watkins
  • Mark Fanning
  • Abby Justice

Fifth Grade-Math

  • Xavier Arndt
  • Zoey Kennedy
  • Mia Armstrong
  • Benjamin Bridges
  • Terry Kovach
  • Tyler Davidson
  • Zackary Calbert
  • Zoe Mock
  • Mark Fanning
  • Cooper Carpenter
  • Patrick O'Byrne
  • Emily Hammond
  • Joshua Castle
  • Ryan Richert
  • Abby Justice
  • John Hays
  • Taylor Smith
  • Ri Miller
  • Emily Hoffman
  • Desiree Temple
  • Hanna Humphrey
  • Anne Watkins


Congratulations Columbia Elementary Students!

As you recall, our school met 8 of 8 of the state indicators last year on our State Report Card. Last year, I promised our students if they passed all parts of their state tests, that we would have a fun reward for them. Yesterday, these students that passed all parts of their state testing, finally got to enjoy their hard work:

* A special thank you to our PTO for making this possible for our students! We appreciate your ongoing support of our students!

Students of the Month for January:

We are super proud of our students of the month for January! Yesterday, I had a great time visiting with our Students of the Month for January as we had a Pizza Party in my office. While these students below like to have fun they serve as great role models to our students:

Grades 3-5 Students of the Month:

KDG-2nd Grade Students of the Month:


IMPORTANT Upcoming Dates:

2-8-PTO 5K Planning Meeting at 4:30
2-9-End of First Round of After School Program
2-9-5th Grade Camp Parent Meeting at MVHS at 7pm
2-10-2 hour Delay-PD
2-12-Interims Go Home
2-15-Presidents Day-No School
2-19-Spring Pictures
2-19-ATOD Assembly-Grades 3-5 at 2:45 with Officer Ruth-Parents are encouraged to attend.
2-22-Start of Second Round of After School Program
3/3-PTO Meeting @7pm in the library
3/4-Student of the Month Lunch with Matt
3/14-End of the Nine Weeks

Thank you for your continuing support of our students!

Tiger Up!

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