Thursday, November 3, 2016

Tiger Newsflash 11-3-16

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Good evening!

I hope everyone is having a great week! We truly appreciated everyone coming out to our Parent Teacher Conferences.  It means a lot to have you in our buildings having conversations with our teachers about your child, our student. I cannot express enough gratitude to our PTO ladies that spent several hours preparing for our Community Spaghetti Dinner tonight. They did an amazing job! I also want to thank everyone that was able to come out tonight and enjoy spaghetti with us! Thank you to all!

Although this was a short week,  I have a few updates and reminders for you.

Congratulations to Our October Students of the Month!

On Wednesday during lunch, I had the pleasure of having a Pizza Party with our October Students of The Month.  We are really proud of ALL of them!

Accomplished: First Nine Weeks Goals in English Language Arts, Math, and Behavior:

On Wednesday afternoon, we rewarded all grade levels for achieving their First Nine Week's Goals in English Language Arts, Math, and Behavior.  A special thank you to all of our PTO volunteers for coming our and helping serve ice cream to our students.  We had a great time!

Monday is a BIG DAY:

Donuts for Parents at 8:30am

Be sure to be here at 8:30am for Donuts with your child/ren.  This event is FREE of charge and is sponsored by our PTO.  We simply want to enjoy your fellowship.

Veterans Day Assembly at 9:30am

Be sure to be here for our Veterans Day  Assembly to enjoy our students.  If you are current or past Military and/or a First Responder, be sure to wear your uniform.  We want to honor you and your service to our country. Thank you for all you have done to give us such a great country! Our duty now is to keep it GREAT!


On BOTH Tuesday and Wednesday, our Third Graders are taking a State Required English Language Arts Test.  This test is administered in both the Fall and Spring and will have a direct impact on whether they continue on to the Fourth Grade base on The Ohio Third Grade Reading Guarantee.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE. 

It is VERY Important that all Third Graders get enough sleep on the nights before they test and arrive to school between 8:30-9:00am.

Thanksgiving Lunch For ALL STUDENTS on 11/22

On Tuesday November 22nd, we are going to try to do something a little different this year for our students.  I want to give our students a family style meal.  This meal would be FREE to all students.  This meal would include all students and staff in our gym at the same time for a sit down meal.  All students would be sitting with their mentors. We want to make it special for them.  Please know this is a work in progress....

To do this correctly, we will need the help of about 20 volunteers to help serve and clear tables.  We would need all 20 to be here from 11:30am-1pm (following serving the students, I would provide lunch for them). During recess time following the Thanksgiving Lunch, I may be also be soliciting help to supervise on the playground.

If you are interested and available to volunteer for this event, please call or e-mail us at: 1-740-393-5975 or .


Information about Head Lice:
As head lice affects 6 to 12 million children per year in the United States of America, it is important to know facts about it and how you can prevent it.  Please CLICK HERE or go to our school website to learn more about Head Lice.

Morning Announcements for Next Week:
Be sure to enjoy our student led Morning Announcements for next week by CLICKING HERE.

Important Upcoming Dates:

11/7-Donuts with Parents-8:30am-All Parents Welcome
11/7-Veterans Day Assembly-9:30am-10am (1hr Delay Schedule)
11/8 & 11/9-Third Grade ELA State Testing
11/8-Election Day
11/11-Picture Retakes & Happy Veterans Day
11/16-Tiger Up Time-1:30-3:30-Respect for others and yourself (Parents welcome at 2:40pm)
11/21-5th Grade Interviews at MS/HS
11/22-Thanksgiving Lunch for ALL Students (Free with no second choice) in Gym
11/23-11/27-Thanksgiving Break

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Thank you for allowing us to serve your children!

Tiger Up!


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