Friday, December 16, 2016

Tiger Newsflash 12-16-16

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Good afternoon!

I hope everyone is having a great week!  It is an amazing time of year with a lot of activities and joy. As you are preparing for the upcoming week, we want to wish you and your family the very best!

Please enjoy your weekly updates: 

Christmas Concert on on Tuesday Night: Our Students in Action

On Tuesday night, we were blessed by the sounds of our children signing Christmas music. Despite the weather conditions, we are very thankful for the nearly 600 people that came to enjoy the talents of our students. We are also really thankful for all of the hard work and dedication from the administration and membership of Faith Baptist Church as the worked hard preparing for our arrival and provided us with a "red carpet treatment" in their service. Lastly, I want to thank The Knox County Sheriff Department for donating their time to keep commuters to and from the concert both safe and secure. With the great teamwork from all parties, we had a wonderful evening together.

Tiger Up:

Strong Goals+Good Decision Making=Strong Bridges in Life

On Wednesday afternoon, we worked with our students on setting goals (both short and long term) and making good decisions in their lives.  This time was well spent in both  our mentor groups and assemblies with Mr. Ron Derry.  

Mr Derry is a former Middle School Teacher in  Hamilton Township & Role Model of mine that speaks to students all around the state about making strong decisions, having a good attitude, and keeping a strong positive attitude when things get hard.  He uses his blindness as a testament to motivate students to keep moving forward and to never give up.  

Mr. Ron Derry-
"When the going gets tough the tough goes on!"

Reminder: We need your help supporting local adopted Christmas Families-All Gifts Due by Tuesday

Christmas is often a season filled with wonder, joy, excitement; a season of gift giving and reaching out to others.  Sometimes families find themselves in circumstances that make this season a little more difficult.

At Columbia Elementary, our goal is to help develop our students to be well rounded; not only teaching academics but also life skills.  We are asking each class to adopt a child in our community who might find themselves in a challenging circumstance this year. This is a great opportunity to teach the kids the value of helping others.  

If you would like to be a part of it, we are asking that you purchase a gift that is appropriate for the age level and gender of the child that your son/daughter’s class has been assigned.    If your child’s classroom has “adopted” a boy, please bring in a boy gift.  If your child’s classroom has “adopted” a girl, please bring in a girl gift.  Monetary gifts are welcome as well and will be used to purchase an age appropriate gift for the child.  Please do not wrap the gift; if you would like, you may send it in a garbage bag or grocery bag.  Please have the gift to your child’s classroom teacher by Tuesday, December 20th.


Girl - Age 7

Boy - Age 7
Girl - Age 7

Girl - Age 6
Girl - Age 6

Boy - Age 7
Girl - Age 9

Boy - Age 12
Boy - Age 9

Girl - Age 11
Girl - Age 13

Boy - Age 11

For your Holiday Shopping-Don't Forget to use Amazon Smile:
CLICK HERE to Sign Up for Amazon Smile

What is Amazon Smile?
Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases back to Columbia Elementary.

As you are preparing for Holiday Cooking, be sure you are currently enrolled (this school year) for Kroger Cares:

CLICK HERE to Enroll for Our Columbia Elementary PTO.

Kroger will donate money back to our PTO based off purchases made by you with your Kroger Plus Card.  You must enroll your Kroger Plus card on the website above to benefit our school.  This will not cost you extra money.

Important Upcoming Dates:

12/20-End of 2nd Nine Weeks
12/20-2:45-3:30-Classroom Christmas Parties
12/21-1/3/17-Christmas Break
1/3/17-Students Return to School
1/3/17-PTO Meeting-6pm
1/6-Student of The Month Pizza Party
1/6/17-Report Cards Go Home
1/13-KDG-2nd Grade Nine Weeks Awards-2pm
1/13-Grades 3-5 Nine Weeks Awards-2:45pm
2/3-Interims Go Home

State Testing Dates 2016-17

Thank you for continuing to allow us to serve your children!

Tiger Up!


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