Sunday, January 15, 2017

Tiger Newsflash 1-15-17

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Good Sunday Morning Mount Vernon!

I hope everyone is having a great morning! Today would be my mother's 68th birthday today.  As I am toasting my mother with my large Peppermint Latte with almond milk, I cannot help but recall all of the important lessons that she taught me as a child. There is no doubt that both mothers and fathers play a very important role in raising their children.  There is no way on earth that I would be half the person that I am today without the love and guidance of my parents.  Each day I grow older and experience more in life, my appreciation grows for the work that they have done.

While we all have important roles in a child's life, I would have to say that parenthood would have to be the most important one.  I have total respect and appreciation for those of you that do it everyday. There is no doubt that our children are worth it.  Thank you for your dedication and commitment to each of them!

Please read your weekly updates below:

Rewarding Higher Expectations

It is our practice at Columbia Elementary to measure students progress as a grade level in English Language Arts, Math, and Behavior on a quarterly basis.  Our commitment to the students is that if they achieve all of these goals, they will receive a specific reward.  During the second nine weeks students in Kindergarten through Fourth Grades met their goals.  For this reason, on Friday we gave the KDG-2nd Grade Students Movie and Popcorn and the students in Grades 3 and 4 participated in a Dodgeball Tournament.  It was an awesome time!! I really appreciate the parents that came out and helped us make popcorn for 110 students.  Thank you!!!  Check out some great footage from Friday morning's reward parties:

Image may contain: 13 people, people smiling, indoor

Image may contain: 6 people, people playing sports, people standing, basketball court, shoes and indoor

Tiger Up Time Is This Wednesday!

Be sure to dress your children in their Tiger Up Shirt this Wednesday.  We will be discussing how Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs can affect their lives in our mentor groups.  Mr. Devin Thomas will also be joining us at 2:40pm to further discuss this topic with our entire student body.  Mr. Thomas is an energetic and dynamic individual that we are looking forward to having back at Columbia Elementary.  Parents are encouraged to join us at 2:40pm on Wednesday for this assembly.

School Closings and Delays:

As we learned last week, the winter season continues to be upon us in The Mount Vernon City School District.  While this is a very difficult decision to make, have you ever wondered how it is decided to delay or close school?  If so, CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

Sponsors Needed: Ariel Foundation & Columbia Elementary Annual 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run:

The Columbia Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is excited to announce that we are partnering again this year with The Ariel Foundation to  sponsor our annual  5K Run/Walk and One Mile Fun Run.  This year’s goal for Columbia Elementary is to continue raising dollars towards renovating our playground for our students and community.  In over 20 years, we have not updated the existing playground equipment on most of our playground.   As Columbia Elementary has been a community hub since 1958, and now we are recently connected to The Ariel Foundation Park and Bike trail, we need to better serve our students, Mount Vernon Community, and visitors of The Ariel Foundation Park.  It is well know that there is no other playground in the community near Columbus Road (including at Ariel Foundation Park) where playground equipment is available for children to play with their parents.  It has always been the philosophy of Columbia Elementary to allow the community to use our playground facilities after school hours and on the weekends. With a renovated community playground and learning outdoor pavilion at Columbia Elementary, we would not only be better able to improve our students’ health and wellness, but we would also be able to have a positive impact on engaging the families in our community. The approximate cost of this project will be $75,000.     
Our 5K Run/ Walk and One Mile Fun Run  is scheduled to take place at Ariel Foundation Park on Friday,
May 19, 2017.  Additional details will be forthcoming.  We are working to obtain sponsorships for the event.  There are four different levels of sponsorships:  a) $750 b) $500 c) $250 d)Any other amount.  To show our appreciation, we will advertise companies that donate $750, $500, or $250 on the 5K/Fun Run t-shirts that our participants will receive.  All sponsors should submit payment to The Columbia PTO by April 14, 2017. The payment can be mailed to the school address listed above.  Since all donations are tax deductible, we will provide documentation of your donation.  If you have any questions or would like to be a sponsor, please feel free to contact Matthew Dill, 740-393-5975 or  We truly appreciate your sponsorship and support of this event, and we are hopeful you will join us in this community endeavor.

Important Upcoming Dates:

1/16-No School-MLK Jr. Day
1/18-1:30-3:30pm-Tiger Up: ATOD (See notes above)
1/24-5K Planning Meeting for PTO at 4pm in Library
2/3 -Student of The Month Lunch with Matt
2/3- Interim Reports Go Home

Spring State Required Testing Window Dates

For Grades 3-5:

English Language Arts Testing-3/20-3/31/17
Math, Science, and Social Studies Testings-4/24-5/5/17

*As these State Required Tests are of vital importance, please plan accordingly. More specifics will be given about these tests as we move closer to these dates.

Helpful Links (CLICK ON EACH HYPERLINK Below):

Thank you for continuing to allow us to serve your children!

Tiger Up!

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