Sunday, January 8, 2017

Tiger Newsflash 1-8-17

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Good evening!

I hope everyone had a great weekend with their family and friends!  It was like Christmas came again last Tuesday, when we got to see your children walk back into our classrooms.  It is great to have them back in our classrooms working hard.  It is truly hard to believe that we have already completed the first half of the 2016-17 School Year. This past Friday we sent the second quarter's report cards home with each of our students.  Please let your child's teacher know if you have any specific questions.

Please allow me to share a few weekly updates with you:

Congratulations to Our Students of The Month!

On Friday afternoon, I had the enjoyment of having lunch with our students of the month.  We are super proud of all of these students.  They are the epitome of excellent students. We are excited to see each of them grow both academically and socially.  Great job to all!!!

KDG-2nd Grade:

Grades 3-5:

Gym Mural: Thank You Kauffman Family!

Logan Kauffman, one of our former students created this design. Once Logan had created this design, him and his family came to our school over Christmas Break and painted the west wall of our gym.  Wow it is truly amazing! We cannot thank the Kauffman Family enough!!! Great job!!!  

Great News About Playground Grant Updates:

The Energy Cooperative just awarded our PTO $3,500 through an Operation Roundup Grant towards the construction of our Outdoor Learning Pavilion.  The PTO also just received $1,200 through a donation by Greg and Gloria Garrison towards our playground renovations.  We truly appreciate these dollars being awarded and donated to this project.  A very special thank you to both Mr. & Mrs. Garrison and The Energy Cooperative! We are looking forward to making these renovations of the playground and our Outdoor Learning Pavilion a reality.  Please let our PTO or I know if you have any information regarding other grants and/or donors that could contribute to this project for our students.

Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee:

We still have a lot of work to do with our Third Grade Class.  We just recently received the results of our Fall Administration of The State Third Grade English Language Arts Test.  We only had 29% of all Third Grade Students (State Average is 37%) earn at least a Proficient Rating on this test.  As you may recall, students must pass this test to be promoted to The Fourth Grade according to The State of Ohio.  Students  will have the opportunity to take this State Tests again the end of March/beginning of April. I would encourage students to continue working on the Successmaker Reading Program, Reading for Comprehension (someone questioning the student about details about what they read), and Typing Paragraphs as much as possible.

Third Grade Student's scores will be mailed home this week.

Sponsors Needed: Ariel Foundation & Columbia Elementary Annual 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run:

The Columbia Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is excited to announce that we are partnering again this year with The Ariel Foundation to  sponsor our annual  5K Run/Walk and One Mile Fun Run.  This year’s goal for Columbia Elementary is to continue raising dollars towards renovating our playground for our students and community.  In over 20 years, we have not updated the existing playground equipment on most of our playground.   As Columbia Elementary has been a community hub since 1958, and now we are recently connected to The Ariel Foundation Park and Bike trail, we need to better serve our students, Mount Vernon Community, and visitors of The Ariel Foundation Park.  It is well know that there is no other playground in the community near Columbus Road (including at Ariel Foundation Park) where playground equipment is available for children to play with their parents.  It has always been the philosophy of Columbia Elementary to allow the community to use our playground facilities after school hours and on the weekends. With a renovated community playground and learning outdoor pavilion at Columbia Elementary, we would not only be better able to improve our students’ health and wellness, but we would also be able to have a positive impact on engaging the families in our community. The approximate cost of this project will be $75,000.     
Our 5K Run/ Walk and One Mile Fun Run  is scheduled to take place at Ariel Foundation Park on Friday,
May 19, 2017.  Additional details will be forthcoming.  We are working to obtain sponsorships for the event.  There are four different levels of sponsorships:  a) $750 b) $500 c) $250 d)Any other amount.  To show our appreciation, we will advertise companies that donate $750, $500, or $250 on the 5K/Fun Run t-shirts that our participants will receive.  All sponsors should submit payment to The Columbia PTO by April 14, 2017. The payment can be mailed to the school address listed above.  Since all donations are tax deductible, we will provide documentation of your donation.  If you have any questions or would like to be a sponsor, please feel free to contact Matthew Dill, 740-393-5975 or  We truly appreciate your sponsorship and support of this event, and we are hopeful you will join us in this community endeavor.

Important Upcoming Dates:

9-10am-Grades 3-4-Nine Weeks Reward-Dodgeball
10:30-12-KDG-2nd Grade-Popcorn and Movie Reward Party
2-2:45-KDG-2-Awards Assembly
2:45-3:30-Grades 3-5 Awards Assembly
1/16-No School-MLK Jr. Day
1/18-1:30-3:30pm-Tiger Up: Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
(Assembly at 2:30pm (Parents Welcome))
1/24-5K PTO Planning Meeting at 4pm in Library

Thank you for continuing to allow us to serve your children!

Tiger Up!

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