Sunday, January 29, 2017

Tiger Newsflash 1-29-17

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Good evening!

I hope everyone had a great weekend with their family and friends! We are continuing to enjoy your children.  Last week our students continued to make great academic progress while enjoying their time at school.  We are also very thankful for all of the parents that were able to come out and help with our book fair.  Thank you to all of you that took time out of your busy schedules to help us promote literacy!

Please enjoy your weekly updates below:

Best Video Ever-100 Day End of The Day KDG Celebration:

Internet and Social Media Use:

While there are many great things about the digital age that we are living in, there are certain precautions that we need to take in order to protect our children.  It is important that we know who our children are talking to, contacting, and searching via the internet and social media.  While I hear many conversations about respecting the child's privacy, we must be reminded that it is our duty to protect each of them and to know who is reaching out to them via social media. Yes, the child may be mad at us for a little bit but it could be life saving.

A couple words of advice:

1) Do not be afraid to check the "history" settings in the app or internet browser.  This can tell you a story.
2) Search videos that your child may be appearing in through apps like "Musically" or on You Tube (has searchable history).

I have many conversations with our students where they claim to be big "YouTubers."This is not to mention all of the Instagram Accounts, I hear students talk about with their friends.  Yes, Elementary Students are doing these things...They are living in a different world then any of us did in Elementary School.

3) Know who your child is following and who is following them.
4) Read posts and private conversations that your child is participating in.

Again, there is a lot of good that occurs in our very connected digital age, but there is the potentional for a lot of bad if we do not monitor it with our children.  For this reason, at school students cannot e-mail outside of our network and no one can e-mail them from outside of our school network.

Below is a short video that I would like you to watch:

Great Community Resources for You and Your Family:

The Ohio Benefit Bank:

On THIS WEBSITE, you are able to apply for tax services, Free/Reduced Meals, WIC, SNAP, Child Assistance,Employment, and more.

KNO-Ho-Co-Ashland Community Action Commission:

This Community Action Commission through THIS WEBSITE will help provide you with services in emergency, energy, health, senior, youth, and housing matters.

Sponsors Needed: Ariel Foundation & Columbia Elementary Annual 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk:

The Columbia Elementary PTO is in the process of looking for business sponsors for our Annual 5K Run and 1 mile Fun Run/Walk that will take place on May 19th. Columbia Elementary's portion of these funds raised will be designated for renovating our playground that is over 20 years old and constructing an Outdoor Learning Pavilion for our students and community.  The expected cost of this playground renovation project and pavilion is $75,000.  If you have a business or know of a business that would be able to sponsor this event or you have specific questions about the event, please contact me at 1-740-393-5975 or .

More information about The Ariel Foundation and Columbia Elementary 5K Run and 1 mile Fun Run/Walk is to come.

Important Upcoming Dates:

2/3 -Student of The Month Lunch with Matt
2/3- Interim Reports Go Home
2/6-PTO Meeting-6pm in Library
2/14-Valentine's Day:)
2/15-1:30-3:30-Tiger Up Time-Responsibility for Yourself and Others
2-15-17-National Columbia Elementary Night at Chipotle on Coshocton Rd (4-8pm (You MUST have our flyer))
2/17-Spring Pictures
2/20-Presidents Day-No School
2/21-5th Grade Camp Parents MTG at Columbia Elementary at 6:30pm

Thank you for allowing us to serve your children!

Tiger Up!

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