Saturday, February 4, 2017

Tiger Newsflash 2-4-17

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Good morning!

I hope everyone is beginning their Super Bowl Weekend well! During this past week we have an awesome week with our students.  At one point, I got to hear about how a current Kindergarten Student was sharing with me what he use to do when he "was young." True story....  LOL!

Please enjoy your weekly updates below:

Congratulations to Our Students of The Month!

During lunch on Friday, I had a great time celebrating the success of our Students of the Month.  We had an awesome Pizza Party together!  I also love to think back to the last four years of getting to know these students and being so proud of how much they have grown both academically and socially.  We have great students!

Kenyon College and Our Second Graders:

A special thank you to Kenyon College for creating a strong partnership with Columbia Elementary over the years. This year we are pleased that The Kenyon College Swim Team has created a Pen Pal and Mentorship relationship with Mrs. Humphrey's Second Grade Classroom.  This experience will be supervised by both The Assistant Swim Coach Douglas Lennox and Mrs. Humphrey.  This Pen Pal and Mentorship relationship will be in both written communication and classroom visitations.  On Friday, our students received their Pen Pals from Coach Lennox.

Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting, child and table

Do you have an old Smart Phone or know someone that has an old Smart Phone that they would be able donate to our school?

I am currently looking for Old Smart Phones that people would be willing to donate to our school to be completely reset to factory settings to be used for classroom instruction.  If you have any connections to old Smart Phones that are just in storage somewhere that you or other folks do not want, please let me know and bring them in to our office.  My end goal is to bring virtual reality to our students to all them to see the world and even inside of the human body for instructional purposes.


As the Super Bowl is this weekend, our students also have their Super Bowl on the following dates:

English Language ArtsMathScienceSocial Studies
3rd Grade3/28-3/29
(Must pass to be promoted to 4th Grade)
4th Grade3/23-3/244/25-4/26NA5/1 (Both Sessions)
5th Grade3/21-3/225/3-5/45/2 (Both Sessions)NA

These State Tests allow our best and brightest to take on the State of Ohio in our Super Bowl.  In addition to the great competition, these tests measure the proficient level of each student based on state standards.  These students highly impact instructional decisions for your child.  In addition to our efforts during school, it is also important to prepare them outside of school.  The key is that students not only need to be able to get the correct answer on any of these tests, but they also need to explain their answer in paragraph form.  While reading a selection, they need to also be able to explain their answers with references back to the selection.

Be sure to check out the LINK on the Columbia Elementary Website under "Quick Links for Students" to The Ohio Department of Education's Practice Tests, Successmaker, and Math Magician,

*It is important to note that each State Test Subject has two sessions each.

Columbia Cares-Tabs Needed
As you may recall, last year we had two students that created the Columbia Cares Program.  They had a vision of paying forward to other people in need.  This lead our school to collecting care packages for cancer patients at Nationwide Children's Hospital.  This was an awesome experience for all parties involved.

As our desire is to continue this annual tradition at Columbia Elementary, we will be collecting Tabs (i.e. Pop Tabs) soon for The Ronald McDonald House.  The Ronald McDonald House is a "home away from home" for families that are with their hospitalized children at Nationwide Children's Hospital.  With our efforts and the efforts of many others, families are able to stay in this residence for little or no cost to take care of their children. Our collected tabs will help fund these efforts.

More information will be coming soon.  Feel free to start collecting.

Playground Update

On Tuesday, I met with a representative from a PlayWorld to look at several different options to renovate our playground. With the last significant updates taking place over 20 years ago it is clear that the renovation of our playground is needed, but there is no doubt that playground equipment is not cheap. Feel free to take a look at one below:

Columbia Elementary Playground and Outdoor Learning Pavilion Project Budget

Item Number
Estimated Cost
Actual Cost
Outdoor Learning Pavilion

*Not created by Playworld but an Eagle Scout Project by a Former Columbia Elementary Student

(Cost below include a Sale Price)
Playcubes and Slide
Unity Teeeter Tunnel
Hoopla Swing
Jumble Gym
Large Canopy (Ring Monkey Bars)

Shipping and Handling


Total Playground Cost

Total Outdoor Learning Pavilion Cost

Total Project Cost

PTO Current Alloted Funds

Remaining Dollars Needed to Complete Project

Although we were turned down by The Lowes Foundation this week for their grant, I am awaiting word from The Community Foundation on the status of our grant application.  We should be hearing soon….

Sponsors Needed: Ariel Foundation & Columbia Elementary Annual 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk:

The Columbia Elementary PTO is in the process of looking for business sponsors for our Annual 5K Run and 1 mile Fun Run/Walk that will take place on May 19th. Columbia Elementary's portion of these funds raised will be designated for renovating our playground that is over 20 years old and constructing an Outdoor Learning Pavilion for our students and community.  The expected cost of this playground renovation project and pavilion is $75,000.  If you have a business or know of a business that would be able to sponsor this event or you have specific questions about the event, please contact me at 1-740-393-5975 or .

More information about The Ariel Foundation and Columbia Elementary 5K Run and 1 mile Fun Run/Walk is to come.

Great Community Resources for You and Your Family:

The Ohio Benefit Bank:

On THIS WEBSITE, you are able to apply for tax services, Free/Reduced Meals, WIC, SNAP, Child Assistance,Employment, and more.

KNO-Ho-Co-Ashland Community Action Commission:

This Community Action Commission through THIS WEBSITE will help provide you with services in emergency, energy, health, senior, youth, and housing matters.

Important Upcoming Dates:

2/7-PTO Meeting-6pm in Library
2/14-Valentine's Day:)
2/14-Valentine's Day Parties-2:45-3:30pm
2/15-1:30-3:30-Tiger Up Time-Responsibility for Yourself and Others
2-15-17-National Columbia Elementary Night at Chipotle on Coshocton Rd (4-8pm (You MUST have our flyer))
2/17-Spring Pictures
2/20-Presidents Day-No School
2/21-5th Grade Camp Parents MTG at Middle School Library at 6:30pm
5/22-KDG Registration at Columbia Elementary

Thank you for allowing us to serve your children!

Tiger Up!

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