Sunday, August 20, 2017

Tiger Newsflash 8-20-17


Good morning!

This quote above is one of my favorite quotes that I believe applies to each and everyone of us.  As we work together for the betterment of your children, our students, we have a lot of potential power of positively impacting their lives. There is no doubt that our work together for all of them is very important and has the ability to affect our community, our nation, and world for generations to come.

If you are new to The Columbia Elementary Family, I want to welcome you.  If you are continuing member of our family, we are very appreciative of you continuing your membership with us.  Either way, please know that I use this weekly blog as a way to keep good communication with each of you.  My goal is to highlight events of each week and important information that you will need to know for the week/s to come.  If there is anything that you would like me to add to this blog that would benefit you, please let me know by e-mailing me at

Please enjoy your weekly update below:

Pictures of The Week:

Our students are loving our new playground...Thank you to All!!

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, sky, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: cloud, sky and outdoor

Image may contain: sky and outdoor

*Please feel free to enjoy and take care of this playground after school hours and on the weekends. Note that all children must be supervised by an adult. 

Grade Level Tiger Up Presentations:

This week I will be meeting with each grade level to talk about what it means to"Tiger Up." During this meeting, we will be discussing the importance of: focus, effort, strong character & leadership, and having fun.  Please feel free to engage your children at the dinner table about these conversations.  I will be meeting with the following grade levels on the following days:

10:30-KDG TIger Up Presentation
11:30-3rd Grade Tiger Up Presentation
2pm-1st Grade Tiger Up Presentation

9:30-4th Grade Tiger Up Presentation
10:30-2nd Grade Tiger Up Presentation

8/24-5th Grade Tiger Up Presentation

DRA and Go Math Testing in KDG-1st Grade:

In Kindergarten and First Grades, our students will be given a Diagnostic Reading Assessment and End of the Year Go Math Test to determine their academic levels in Reading and Math.  This data allows us to know what each child knows, which is valuable for their instruction.  Make sure you notice that I said "End of The Year" for the Math Test.  Giving an end of the year test, gives us a basis of what they already know of the material they are expected to know by the end of this school year.  If a student already knows the material, we are able to enrich their instruction better.  If they don't, we are better able to intervene and grow their knowledge.  This is an intentional practice. Feel free to contact your child's teacher for more information.

MAP Testing in Grades 2-5:

Your children will probably be informing you during these first few weeks that they have taken a MAP Test in English Language Arts and Math.  This test is an adaptive computer based test that better allows us to know where they are at academically at the beginning of the school year.  This data provides us comparative and predictive data to better drive each child's instruction.  We will also administer it again two more times to determine each student's academic growth and make needed adjustments in his/her instruction. Feel free to contact your child's teacher for more information.

Solar Eclipse:

Please know that tomorrow is the Solar Eclipse and the safety of our students is our top priority. It is being reported that it will occur during the following times:

Partial Eclipse begins     1:04 pm
Maximum Eclipse            2:30 pm

Partial Eclipse ends         3:52 pm

Due to our safety concerns and lack of protective equipment, some of our students will be watching the eclipse via NASA's Live Stream of the Eclipse. Feel free to also view it through THIS WEBSITE . This experience will be a part of an overall educational experience for our students.

Back to School Celebration 17-18

Thank you to everyone that was able to attend our Back to School Celebration on Tuesday Night.  If you were unable to attend my presentation, please feel free to check out the slideshow that I used below:


Parent Portal

If you have not already done so, please make sure you do the following required process:
Please know that if you have no access to a computer and/or need any help feel free to contact Mrs. Darcy Miller at 740-393-5975. 

With the start of the 2017-2018 school year just weeks away, we wanted to notify you to login to your Mount Vernon OneView account and begin to fill out the online forms for your student(s). Each year parents are required to submit an updated Emergency Medical Form and District Authorizations Form.
OneView ButtonThe OneView Parent Portal will be the main access site for all school forms including athletics, bus routes, ProgressBook access, student fees, and lunches.

Visit our district website ( and select the round button at the top labeled PARENTS for instructions on how to create an account and fill out each of the district forms. If you are already familiar with OneView, login to Mount Vernon OneView Portal and begin to fill out your student’s forms.Parent Resources Button

If you need any assistance or access to a computer, please contact your building secretary or stop by the Board of Education Office on 300 Newark Road. Computers will be available at the individual buildings prior to and including Back to School Nights and Student Orientations for parents to set up their account in OneView or complete their online forms. 

If you have additional questions contact John Frye, district Web Manager, at 740.397.7422 x 6038; email or Deb Doup, district Registrar at 740.397.7422 x 6000; email 

Tiger Up T-Shirt Orders:

The deadline to order a Tiger Up T-shirt is August 25th.  You can submit your order online, but we do not have the ability to accept the money online.  You will need to send it in with your child or pay for it in the office.  We have a new design for adults, though that does not mean that an adult can't order/wear the orange shirt. 


All Box Tops can be turned in to the Main Office at anytime.

Thank you for allowing us to serve your children!

Tiger Up!

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