Sunday, September 10, 2017

Tiger Newsflash 9-10-17

Weekly Message

Good morning!

I hope everyone is doing well! It has been a very productive week at Columbia Elementary.  Each day it is great to see them smiling as they walk through our doors, working hard in their classrooms, and enjoying their time as Elementary Students.  We are very proud of all of their hard work! You will be able to check on your child's hard through his/her interim when it comes home this Friday.

Please enjoy your weekly updates below.

Tiger Up!

Masterpieces in The Making

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people sitting and indoor

Image may contain: 5 people, people sitting and table

New Updates

Tiger Up Mentor Lunches:
Please know that all students will be meeting with their mentors on their assigned day this coming week. We are looking forward to this time with our students.


Please remember that our Schoolwide Annual Team Picture is on Monday September 18th.  Make sure that ALL of our Students have their Orange Tiger Up on at school on this day. We will be distributing the newly ordered shirts on September 18th.  Make sure all orders have been paid by the 9/15/17.

Third Grade Reading Guarantee Information:

Attention: KDG-Third Grade Parents:

Over the next couple of months, we may be coming to you to discuss your child's initial test beginning of the year test scores.  Some of these discussions may result in us putting together a Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan (RIMP) as required by the State of Ohio.  This is simply a process to make sure that we identified challenging areas for specific students and to provide the necessary interventions for them over the course of the year.  The purpose of these requirements is to ensure that all students in the State of Ohio pass the State English Language Arts Test in Third Grade. Please know that the RIMP is not a life sentence but simply an agreed plan of action.

Please feel free to learn more about the Ohio Third Grade Reading Guarantee by CLICKING HERE. 

Please feel free to reach out to your child's classroom teacher to learn more.

Columbia Elementary Cares: Hurricane Relief

We are in the process of collecting school supplies for students in Texas who have lost so much due to Hurricane Harvey.  A truck with the collected supplies will be heading to Texas the last week of September.  Our collected supplies will be delivered directly to schools in the area of Orange, Texas.  

Students can bring in donations from Monday, September 11th through Friday September 22nd.  

1st grade-pencils
2nd grade-markers/colored pencils
3rd grade-highlighters
4th grade-notebook paper
5th grade-spiral notebooks

Other items that could be donated: new books, socks, shoe box size supply tubs, non-perishable snacks

We appreciate your donations as we work to support a hurting community!


Please let your child's teacher know if you are interested in volunteering. We would love to see you!

Kroger Cares Sign Up Today

Be sure to sign up for our Columbia Elementary PTO Kroger Cares Program.  This is a way for our PTO to automatically raise funds for Columbia Elementary Students without costing you anymore money.  Be sure to reenroll each year in the program if you already have an existing account.  This Program will not COST YOU ANY MONEY:)


Amazon Smiles-Sign Up Today
The Amazon Smiles Program will cost you NO ADDITIONAL MONEY as you make your purchases on SMILE.AMAZON.COM.  However, it will help support our Columbia Elementary PTO in supporting the students at Columbia Elementary.

Upcoming Events

Week of 9/11-Students will be meeting with their mentors one day for lunch
9/15-Interim Reports Go Home
9/15-Tiger Up Schoolwide Picture-Wear Tiger Up Shirts
9/25-No School-Teacher In-service
9/27-TIger Up-Be sure to wear your Tiger Up Shirt
9/29-Game Truck Reward-For all students that passed ALL parts of 16-17 State Tests
10/3-COSI ON WHEELS-Be sure to sign up as a volunteer
10/23-No School-Teacher In-service

Previous & Important Updates

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