Monday, September 4, 2017

Weekly Update 9-4-17

Weekly Message

Good morning!

I hope everyone is having a great Labor Day Weekend with their family and friends! I have had a great weekend with my family, working on some of my outstanding chores, and serving patients through our Fire Department. One great experience for me this weekend was that I had the opportunity to catch up with my in-laws down along the Ohio River. I truly got blessed....

Another way I have been blessed is by your children.  They continue to be a joy to have in our classrooms each day.  We are heading into September with a lot to learn and many more experiences to have for their learning process. These are great days that we are living in!

Below you will notice a format change that is meant to better organize your reading of our updates.  I hope this is helpful and would be interested in your feedback.  Please enjoy your weekly update below and thank you for allowing us to serve your children!

Tiger Up!

Masterpieces in The Making

Image may contain: one or more people and text

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting

New Updates

Tiger Up Shirt Orders Due This Friday
Be sure to order your Tiger Up Shirt below by this Friday for our Schoolwide Team Picture (on Monday Sept 18th).  In this picture, all students and staff will be wearing their Tiger Up Shirts. In order to have it in time all orders must be in by this Friday.

PTO Meeting-Tomorrow at 7pm
Be sure to join us tomorrow night at 7pm in our library (Third Floor) for our September PTO Meeting.  We have a great time together discussing how we can better support our all of our students.  We hope to see you there!

Mentor Lunch
Last week we had the opportunity to meet with our mentees during lunch.  It was great to spend time with our students in a different way.  We are looking forward to more work together.  This will be a monthly occurrence in addition to our Tiger Up subject focused discussions.

Kenyon College Partnership and FAB Lab Visit to Columbia Elementary
On Tuesday night, I received a phone call from Kenyon College stating that the FAB Lab that was traveling around town had the ability to stop by our school for a couple hours on Thursday morning to serve 20 of our students, if we wanted this opportunity.  Since our school incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math into our curriculum, it would be an awesome opportunity for some of our students.  We chose to have 20 of our 5th Graders to work in this Fab Lab (onsite).  During this experience our students learned about the collaboration between computers, laser cutters, and 3-D Printers.  They were all charged with making the best glider then competing with their peers.  Some of you might have seen this same FAB Lab at First Friday.  It was fantastic!!

K-3 Bus Safety Assembly
On Friday, all of our Bus Drivers spent time with all of our students in KDG-3rd Grade discussing and demonstrating things that our students need to do to keep them safe on the school bus.  This included watching the video below and practicing specific tasks on the school bus afterwards:

Feel free to discuss this video and other details with your child over the dinner.

Upcoming Events

9/4-No School-Labor Day
9/5-PTO Meeting at 7pm at Columbia Elementary Library (Third Floor)
9/6-Grade 5 Yes Concert
9/8-Fall Pictures
9/8-All Tiger Up Shirts need to be ordered for Schoolwide Picture
Week of 9/11-Students will be meeting with their mentors one day for lunch
9/15-Interim Reports Go Home
9/15-Tiger Up Schoolwide Picture-Wear Tiger Up Shirts

Previous & Important Updates

Parent Portal

If you have not already done so, please make sure you do the following required process:
Please know that if you have no access to a computer and/or need any help feel free to contact Mrs. Darcy Miller at 740-393-5975. 

With the start of the 2017-2018 school year just weeks away, we wanted to notify you to login to your Mount Vernon OneView account and begin to fill out the online forms for your student(s). Each year parents are required to submit an updated Emergency Medical Form and District Authorizations Form.
OneView ButtonThe OneView Parent Portal will be the main access site for all school forms including athletics, bus routes, ProgressBook access, student fees, and lunches.

Visit our district website ( and select the round button at the top labeled PARENTS for instructions on how to create an account and fill out each of the district forms. If you are already familiar with OneView, login to Mount Vernon OneView Portal and begin to fill out your student’s forms.Parent Resources Button

If you need any assistance or access to a computer, please contact your building secretary or stop by the Board of Education Office on 300 Newark Road. Computers will be available at the individual buildings prior to and including Back to School Nights and Student Orientations for parents to set up their account in OneView or complete their online forms. 

If you have additional questions contact John Frye, district Web Manager, at 740.397.7422 x 6038; email or Deb Doup, district Registrar at 740.397.7422 x 6000; email 

Tiger Up T-Shirt Orders:

The deadline to order a Tiger Up T-shirt is August 25th.  You can submit your order online, but we do not have the ability to accept the money online.  You will need to send it in with your child or pay for it in the office.  We have a new design for adults, though that does not mean that an adult can't order/wear the orange shirt. 


All Box Tops can be turned in to the Main Office at anytime.

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