Sunday, August 23, 2015

Weekly Blog 8-23-15

August 23, 2015

Good afternoon!

At Columbia Elementary, we had a fantastic first week of school for our students! At our Back to School Celebration on Tuesday, we were super excited about seeing our students and their parents for the first time since the end of last school year.  To observe the sense of excitement on each child's face as they came in our doors, I could not help but wanting to capture this excitement for the remainder of each student's educational career. It always makes August extra special for all of us to see our students again.

As I walked through the classrooms last week, I saw our students getting adapted to their new classroom experience.  It was great to see our students transitioning very well.  Of course, as every beginning of the school year goes, there are always some bumps to iron out as we progress in the upcoming week/s.  One bump is that our buses were delayed at dismissal by 10-15mins.  As we have 3 of our 4 drivers, learning new routes, this will improve over the course of time and minor adjustments to our routes.  Our buses drivers are doing a great job learning new faces and ensuring that our students get to and from school safely. Thank you for your patience ahead of time.

A few important updates for you:

1) Back to School Celebration Parent Presentation-If you were unable to attend our Back to School Celebration, please CLICK HERE to view the presentation I went over with all parents in attendance.  Feel free to contact me at anytime with any questions or concerns.

2) Beginning of the year paperwork and School Fees-for the safety of our students and importance of this school year, we need to make sure that ALL Students have ALL paperwork turned in to our office and ALL School Fees paid. If there is any family that would like to arrange making payments through our office towards school fees, please be sure contact Darcy Miller or myself at anytime..

3) Twitter:  Be sure to follow us and your grade level/s on Twitter.  CLICK HERE to learn more about using and setting up a Twitter Account.  I am asking each of our grade levels to set up a Twitter Account to keep you posted about specific updates related to that specific grade level.  Twitter is also a great way to learn more about a specific topic and keep up on timely information.

Be sure to follow: @Columbia_Tiger, @drmjdill, @MVCSD_SUPT, @MVCSD_Treasurer

It is very important to us to keep you informed!

4)Important Upcoming Dates:

a) KDG Fire Prevention Assembly on 8/28/15 at 9:30am

b) 2hr Delay for ALL MVCSD Schools for Professional Development-9/9

c) YES Concert-2nd Grade-9/10 at 10am

d) Fall Individual Pictures at Columbia-9/11

e) Tiger Up Time at Columbia-9/18-9-11am

September's Topic: Good Character (Parents are invited to 10am Schoolwide Assembly)

Monthly Focus: To improve the Character, Leadership, and Decision Making Skills of our students for both the short and long term.

Monthly Process:
-Once a month the building’s master schedule will be placed on a 2 hour delay schedule (except for February and April(during state testing)).
-One hour will be devoted to Classroom Instruction/Mentorship
-The other hour will be an assembly format with students in Grade 2-5 or specific grade levels together for more information related to the topic being discussed.
-Most presenters will be from the MV Community while others will be consider to be outside experts on that specific topic.
-Students will be assigned to a “Mentor” another person other than their classroom for a cyclical two years in a row.  
-The Mentor would be a Columbia Elementary Team Member

-Lessons are encouraged to be taught by teachers with students actively participating in the lessons.  

f) Schoolwide Team Banner Picture-9/18
-All students need to wear orange and/or black

g) K-2 Disney MTV Arts-9/25 at 10am

We are blessed to have 228 of the Best and the Brightest Students at Columbia Elementary! It is truly a pleasure to serve each and every one of them.

Tiger Up!!

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