Friday, August 7, 2015

Weekly Blog 8-7-15

Good afternoon!

I hope you have had a terrific summer with your family and friends! We have truly missed your child in our classrooms, and we are excited for each of our students to return on Wednesday, August 19th. Over the summer, our Columbia Elementary Team, has been preparing for a new and improved school year.  While the 14-15 School Year was a good school year, the 15-16 School Year is going to fantastic! During this school year, be ready for a strong focus on core academic subjects, leadership and character education, and a strong focus on integrating technology within our classrooms. We want to prepare our students for the global marketplace. Below you will find important information to prepare you for the start of the 15-16 School Year:

  1. Changing the World Together-Let’s get ready to change and improve the world at Columbia Elementary ( CLICK HERE ) Together! We are on our way to EXCELLENCE!!!
  2. Free and Reduced Lunch Application: It is very important that you fill out the your Free and Reduced Lunch Application that is being mailed to you.  While this application information is kept confidential, this federal document dictates many support systems that schools receive for instructional purposes (i.e. Title I Intervention Services), and eligibility for granted dollars. Personal and identifiable information is always kept confidential.  
  3. Bus Route Information: Bus Route Information is being mailed to you.
  4. Back To School Celebration: On Tuesday August 18th from 3-4pm, we will be having a Back to School Celebration.  At 3pm, everyone will be meeting in our gym to kick off our 15-16 School Year. Afterwards. there will be an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and to see the classroom. It will be great to see everyone again!
  5. 2015 Clothing Drive: From August 10th to 14th, there will be a clothing drive in our gym from 8am to 4pm.  This clothing drive is for the entire community of Mount Vernon.  During this drive, our community members will expect to find clothing and other items that may be beneficial to their families FREE OF CHARGE.    
  6. Three Ways to Stay Informed about your child’s education at Columbia Elementary: 1)Check out our new and improved website at  2) Like Us on Facebook at MVCOLUMBIA 3) Follow Us on Twitter: @drmjdill and @Columbia_Tiger
  7. Knox Alerts but No More Ohio Alerts-We are discontinuing the once FREE Service of Ohio Alerts that was once provided to several school districts around the state. This service would now cost our district nearly $2,000 to continue using. Since Knox Alerts is a FREE Service, we will begin using Knox Alerts as a notification system to our community beginning on September 1, 2015. Go to or CLICK ON: to sign up for MVCSD Notifcations (Important Information, School Delays, and School Cancelations). You will need to sign up for Knox Alerts even if you have already signed up for Ohio Alerts.

With super smart students, a dynamic instructional team, and a caring community we are on our way towards excellence! Please do not hesitate to contact me at anytime with any questions or concerns.

Yours in education,
Matthew J. Dill, Ed.D
Columbia Elementary Principal
150 Columbus Road
Mount Vernon, Ohio, 43050

Our Website:
Like us on Facebook at: MVCOLUMBIA

Twitter Handle; @drmjdill

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