Sunday, November 1, 2015

Weekly Blog 11-1-15


Good morning!

It is hard to believe that we are in November 2015 already.  Time flies when we are with your children.  We are continuing to enjoy watching them grow academically.

In addition to all of the learning that took place this week at Columbia Elementary, we really enjoyed some fun times with our students:  On Thursday night, it was awesome to see our students and parents come to our school for Trick or Read. It was fantastic to see our students eyes light up like this:):

Then on  Friday, we had a marathon of enjoyable events such as time recognizing great accomplishments of our students in grades K-5:

We also took time on Friday to Reward our students in Grades KDG-3 for accomplishing their Reading, Math, and Behavior Goals for the First night weeks with some extra recess time with me:

Then after all of this hard work on Friday, we had to take a moment and relax and enjoy the Halloween Season:

All of these events were truly both enjoyable and a lot of fun!

As you already know our vision is excellence at Columbia Elementary.  If there are a few items that I would stress to be of the general importance improving for this school year they would be: 1) Making sure that students are achieving a high level of classroom grades (A's, B's, and a few if any C's).  2) Make sure that children in giving 110% of their effort on their schoolwork.  3) Make sure that our students have strong and positive attendance at school (both absences and tardies are listed as infractions according to our student handbook).

For this upcoming week, I have the following updates for you:

Reminder: End of Daylight Savings Time:

Just a reminder to make sure you have changed ALL of your clocks back an hour.  This weekend we fell back one hour.

PTO Meeting-11/2-6pm-You are invited

I want to make sure that you know you are invited to our PTO Meeting in our Library on Monday night (November 2nd) at 6pm.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

If you have not already scheduled to meet with your child/children's teacher/s, be sure to schedule an appointment for either this Wednesday night (5-8pm) or this Thursday (10am-8pm) to meet with the teacher/s.  Be sure to either call Mrs. Darcy Miller, our Secretary or contact your child's Teacher directly to schedule this appointment.

Annual Coat Drive:

During Parent Teacher Conferences with the support of the South Vernon Methodist Church, we will be having our annual Coat Drive.  If your child needs a winter coat, be sure to look in our gym for some available options made possible by our great community.

If you know someone that needs a coat for their child, be sure to let them know about this Coat Drive. This is an available service provided by our community for our community.

No School for Students (11/5 & 11/6)

Just a reminder, students will not be in school on Thursday or Friday of this week.

Donuts with Parents and Veteran's Day Assembly-11/9/15

Get ready because this year our Veteran’s Day Program will be held on Monday, November 9th at 9:30am in our gymnasium.   We are both honored and excited to present this program once again to you.  As a part of this program, we will be putting together another video in honor of our Veterans and the men and women of our Columbia Elementary families who have served or are serving in an armed force and/or a public safety official.  We must not forget that these people are the true reason why we can enjoy our freedom.  

In addition to the assembly, you are invited to our donuts with parents event before school begins that is sponsored by our PTO.  Please come and enjoy a donut with your child and stay to watch a great assembly!  The donuts will be available from 8:25am - 8:55am.

Do you shop on Amazon...Use Amazon Smile

This is a wonderful way to support Columbia Elementary while shopping for things you were already planning on purchasing.

By selecting Columbia Elementary Parent Teacher Organization Inc in Mount Vernon, OH, our PTO will get 0.5% of your purchase total on qualifying purchases. This is a great way for our PTO to raise money while not  requiring students to sell anything.

Check it out! It’s a great way to shop and support our school! If you have questions about how to register please let me know. I can be reached at

IMPORTANT Upcoming Dates:

Every Friday-Wear your Tiger Up Shirts
11/2-PTO Meeting-6pm in the library
11/4-October Students of the Month Pizza Party with me during lunch
11/4-P/T Conferences 5-8pm-By appointment
11/5-P/T Conferences 10am-8pm-By Appointment
11/9-Donuts with Parents-8:30am
11/9-Veterans’ Day Assembly-9:30am
11/11-Professional Development Delay-2hr Delay
11/13-Make Up Picture Day and Yearbook Pics
11/20-Tiger Up Time (Assembly at 10:10am)
11/25-No School-Thanksgiving Day Break
12/14-Columbia Elementary Christmas Program at Faith Baptist Church-7pm

Thank you for your continuing support of our students!
Tiger Up!

Matthew J. Dill, Ed.D
Columbia Elementary, Principal
150 Columbus Road
Mount Vernon, Ohio, 43050

Our Website:
Like us on Facebook at: MVCOLUMBIA
Twitter Handle; @drmjdill

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