Sunday, November 15, 2015

Tiger Newsflash-11-15-15


Good morning!

I hope everyone is doing well on this beautiful Sunday morning!  There is no doubt that the events of Friday in Paris, France make us want to hold our children and/or family members closer. As we are to often reminded by local and world events, that each day is gift...Please know that it is our top priority at Columbia Elementary to keep your children, our students safe!

On Monday, we were so thankful for all of the parents that came to our school for Donuts with Parents.  It is a delight to see everyone together enjoying our students and each other.  Thank you to all that were able to join us.  I think it is very important that we come together and enjoy each other's fellowship at least a couple times of the year.

Following our Donuts with Parents event, we enjoyed the hard work and dedication of our students and the leadership of Mrs. Pat Eaton during our Veterans Day Assembly.  I am always amazed by the incredible talents of our students.  The purpose of this assembly was to thank and to honor all of the men and women that have dedicated and/or are dedicating their lives to serving our great country in the military and/or as public safety officials (i.e. Police/Fire/EMS).  If you were unable to attend this assembly for some reason, please take a moment to enjoy the video below:

We want to thank all of the families that contributed to this video and Mrs. Darcy Miller for all of her hard work creating this masterpiece.  There is no doubt that there are other individuals that we may have missed for this video, but no doubt we are very grateful for your service to our country.  Thank you!!

I would like to take a moment and brag on our teachers.  During Wednesday's Delayed Start, I spent the entire time working with teachers.  In this time, we discussed ways to improve our English Language Arts and Social Studies Instruction, Upcoming State Testing, and creating improved interventions for our students.  This time with teachers to improve our education for our students is valuable!

Now let's address upcoming events/items that you need to be aware of:

1) Upcoming Third Grade State Test:

On December 2nd and 3rd, Columbia Elementary will be administering our Third Grade English Language Arts Fall State Test.  This test will be online and in two sections of 90 minutes each.  As this test is a part of the State Third Grade Reading Guarantee, it is vital that our students are at school and prepared for this test.  This will be one of two State English Language Arts Tests administered
during this school year.

CLICK HERE for your child to take a practice online test

Note: Grades 3-5 will also be adminstered State Tests at the end of April/beginning of May.  All of these test will also be online.  Please know the link above will work for students in Grades 3-5.

2) Tiger It Up This Friday-11/20:

Our Topic: Respect for yourself and others

The Objectives for this Friday will be:
-Lessons on: Good manners and Complementing
-Lesson regarding positive comments to others and apologies.  (examples need to be given and/or discussed with students)
-Good decision making will allow you to respect yourself (Making good healthy decisions shows that you respect yourself)(examples need to be given and/or discussed with students)
-The dangers of stereotypes and promoting equality. (examples need to be given and/or discussed with students)

Our Guest Speaker will be:

-Mr. Larry Hall from The OSU Extension Office

Be sure that our students are wearing their Tiger Up Shirts on Friday. We also want to remind you that we love to see you in attendance for our Tiger Up Assemblies that begin at 10:15am. It is our philosophy that the mentorship, leadership and character development of our students is a team effort!
You are part of that team!

3) Thanksgiving Break:

Just a reminder, we do not have school next Wednesday, November 25th through Sunday November 29th. Be sure to be safe and enjoy your children and other family members.  Please know that we are super thankful that each day you allow us to serve them! 

4) Important Upcoming Dates:

12/7-PTO Meeting at 6pm in our Library
12/9-2 hour Delayed Start. Classes start at 11am
12/14-Christmas Program at Faith Baptist Church at 7pm
12/18-Tiger Up-Honesty and Truth-Assembly at 10:15am
12/18-End of 2nd Nine Weeks
12/18-Classroom Christmas Parties at 2:30pm

Thank you for your continue support of our students!

Tiger Up!


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