Friday, November 25, 2016

Tiger Newsflash 11-25-16

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Good afternoon!

I hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving weekend with your family and friends!  Every morning at 8:30am, we quickly realize how thankful we are to have your children at Columbia Elementary.  Their smiles and comments coming off our school buses or out of your cars is truly priceless.  They are a joy to serve each day!

A few items that I would like to share with you this week:

Columbia Elementary 5th Graders Preparing for their Future:

As a part of our 5th Grade Capstone Project, which we started to require for all Columbia Elementary 5th Graders last year. Our students had the opportunity to learn about life as both a Middle School and High School Student  We think it is important for our students to take time now to interview both Middle School and High School Students about what they will be experiencing someday and how to better prepare for it academically.  All of our 5th Grade Students had this opportunity last Monday and they are currently preparing Google Slide Show Presentations to report out on this learning experience.

Please enjoy a picture from this event below:

*I especially want to thank all MVMS & MVHS Staff, our very own Mrs. Justice, and Mrs. Ferguson that were involved to make this happen for our students!  Great job to all of these individuals!!

First Annual Columbia Family Thanksgiving Feast:

On Tuesday, we had our first annual Thanksgiving Feast with our students.  It was awesome to have everyone in the same room having a plated Thanksgiving meal together.  I cannot thank the 20 volunteers and countless individuals that came together to make this possible for our children.  The goal was to give each of these students the experience of a Thanksgiving Family Meal.  During this time, each of our mentors sat with their groups to enjoy in family style conversations.   All of the work that was put behind this event truly paid off.

Here are some cute pictures from this event:

Below you may enjoy a video that our students put together for Thanksgiving:

For your Black Friday and Cyber Monday-Don't Forget to use Amazon Smile:
CLICK HERE to Sign Up for Amazon Smile

What is Amazon Smile?
Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases back to Columbia Elementary.

As you are preparing for Holiday Cooking, be sure you are currently enrolled (this school year) for Kroger Cares:

CLICK HERE to Enroll for Our Columbia Elementary PTO.

Kroger will donate money back to our PTO based off purchases made by you with your Kroger Plus Card.  You must enroll your Kroger Plus card on the website above to benefit our school.  This will cost you extra money, but it is a way that Kroger helps give back to our community.

ALICE Lockdown Safety Drills:
In an effort to keep your children safe, we have had and will continue to practice Lockdown Safety Drills this school year.  Please make sure you have had the opportunity to read Mr. Seder's letter about the recent Districtwide ALICE LOCKDOWN Safety Drills by CLICKING HERE.   This letter has been posted on our website, but I wanted to make sure you had an opportunity to read it.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Important Dates:
12/2-Student of the Month Pizza Lunch Party with Dr. Dill
12/6-PTO Meeting at 6pm
12/9-Secret Santa
12/13-Christmas Concert at 6:30pm at Faith Baptist
(Parking available at Twin Oak with Shuttle Bus)
12/14-Tiger Up Time-Goal Setting and Good Decision Making
12/14-Wear Your Tiger Up Shirts
12/16-5th Grade Field Trip
12/20-End of 2nd Nine Weeks
12/21-1/2/17-Holiday Break-No School
1/3/17-Student Return to School for 3rd Nine Weeks
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Thank you for allowing us to serve your children!

Go Bucks!! Tiger Up!


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