Sunday, December 4, 2016

Tiger Newsflash 12-4-16

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Good evening!

I hope everyone had a great weekend with your family and friends! This past week I spent more time than normal in our classrooms conducting required State of Ohio Teacher Evaluations.  I really enjoy this time spent, because it reaffirms the great thoughts I have about our Instructional Team.  We have great teachers at Columbia Elementary.  While we continue to learn and continue to polish our instructional services for children, I must note how blessed I am to work with such a great bunch of people.  I relay this to you for the sole purpose of letting you know that your children are in good hands.  Each year, I have seen our teachers grow and improve their instructional strategies, and each year they are continuing to try new things to ensure that our students get a great and well rounded educational experience.  I am fortunate to not only to work with "The Best and The Brightest Students," but also to work with a dynamic Instructional Team.

Below are your weekly updates:

Christmas Concert-Tuesday December 13th at 6:30pm at Faith Baptist Church:

We will be holding our annual Christmas Concert next Tuesday on December 13th at Faith Baptist Church at 6:30pm.  I will be sending home very specific information regarding this event in the upcoming week.  However, I want you to know that parking will be available at both Twin Oak Elementary and Faith Baptist Church.  All families for students in Grades 3-5 are assigned to park at Twin Oak Elementary.  There will be a shuttle service available to take families to and from Faith Baptist Church from this parking area.  All families for students in Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades are assigned to park behind Faith Baptist Church.  Please note that Handicapped Parking is also available at the church.

We are requesting that all families park in their assigned areas to eliminate any traffic control problems.  Your assistance in this matter is appreciated!

We are looking forward to enjoying your children with you and your family on this special night!

Adoption of Christmas Families-All Gifts Due by 12/20/16

Christmas is often a season filled with wonder, joy, excitement; a season of gift giving and reaching out to others.  Sometimes families find themselves in circumstances that make this season a little more difficult.

At Columbia Elementary, our goal is to help develop our students to be well rounded; not only teaching academics but also life skills.  We are asking each class to adopt a child in our community who might find themselves in a challenging circumstance this year. This is a great opportunity to teach the kids the value of helping others.  

If you would like to be a part of it, we are asking that you purchase a gift that is appropriate for the age level and gender of the child that your son/daughter’s class has been assigned.    If your child’s classroom has “adopted” a boy, please bring in a boy gift.  If your child’s classroom has “adopted” a girl, please bring in a girl gift.  Monetary gifts are welcome as well and will be used to purchase an age appropriate gift for the child.  Please do not wrap the gift; if you would like, you may send it in a garbage bag or grocery bag.  Please have the gift to your child’s classroom teacher by Tuesday, December 20th.


Girl - Age 7

Boy - Age 7
Girl - Age 7

Girl - Age 6
Girl - Age 6

Boy - Age 7
Girl - Age 9

Boy - Age 12
Boy - Age 9

Girl - Age 11
Girl - Age 13

Boy - Age 11

Food For The Hungry Contest Winners-CONGRATS!!:

Thank you for everyone that participated in The Food for The Hungry Drive. We were incredibly humbled by the response of all of you to give to those people in need.

The top donors were:

Mrs. Luna's Class-The Most Donations in One Class
Tyce Davidson-Top Donor in School

For your Holiday Shopping-Don't Forget to use Amazon Smile:
CLICK HERE to Sign Up for Amazon Smile

What is Amazon Smile?
Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases back to Columbia Elementary.

As you are preparing for Holiday Cooking, be sure you are currently enrolled (this school year) for Kroger Cares:

CLICK HERE to Enroll for Our Columbia Elementary PTO.

Kroger will donate money back to our PTO based off purchases made by you with your Kroger Plus Card.  You must enroll your Kroger Plus card on the website above to benefit our school.  This will not cost you extra money.

Important Upcoming Dates:

12/5-PTO MTG-6pm-Notice Change of date (because of my wedding anniversary:))
12/9-Christmas Craft Shop (AKA Secret Santa)
12/13-Christmas Concert at Faith Baptist 6:30-7:30pm (Parking: Twin Oak (Grades 3-5 and Staff) and Faith Baptist Church (KDG-2nd Grade))
12/14-Tiger Up-1:30-3:30pm-Goal Setting and Good Decision Making-We will have two separate assemblies and two different mentor times on this day. Meaning that K-2 and 3-5 will be rotating spots.  More details to come.
12/20-End of 2nd Nine Weeks
12/20-Christmas Classroom Parties-2:45-3:30pm-A special guest may be joining us:)
12/21-1/3/17-Christmas Break

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Thank you for allowing us to serve your children!

Tiger Up!


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